63 examples of vittles in sentences

"Who would cook our vittles, if it wasent for wimmen?

Hurry up now and get your vittles while they are nice!"

You didn't seem to take your vittles very hearty, so I mistrusted you was delicate," she said, looking at Emily, whose pale cheeks and weary eyes told the story of late hours and a gay life.

Course I didn't get you any broken vittles," he added, noticing the alarm upon the doctor's face.

"Mr. SIMPSON was a pleasant-spoken young man as I want to see, and as good as the bank, but I'm afraid he was agettin' dissipated;" or, "Mr. FIELDING was quiet and mannerly, and never found fault with his vittles, but he had one DREADful habit;" and then she would sigh heavily.

" "I reckon his wife must be 'spectin' him," said the man on the brogan case, "from her comin' after fancy vittles.

"If that durned Miss Panney," he continued, "keeps on tellin' that to the people, things will be a cussed sight worse than me a livin' here without decent vittles, an' Phoebe a boardin' that minister that ain't paid no board yit.

She's been bringin' cauld vittles from the docther's kitchen to that nager Mike, as if you an' Mr. Haverley didn't give him enough to eat.

I never could sleep at night if I thought she was stirrin' up pizen in my vittles.

The vittles she gave me to eat, bein' nearly tired to death when I got thar, was sich that they give me pains that I hain't got over yit.

Conquer your passions, boys, and don't be eager after vittles."

She wishes to know, by an early post, where he expects to go to if he quarrels with his vittles; and with what feelings he could turn up his nose at the cow's liver broth, after his good master had asked a blessing on it.

Everybody'll be a-smilin' and as good as ever was, Pa won't growl about the vittles, like he generally does,

Still perhaps, they was suthin' to laugh at that I didn't see; sometimes one man'll be lookin' down into his plate, all taken up with his vittles, and others that's lookin' around the room, may see the kittens frolickin', or some such thing.

Here you are, fearfully and wonderfully made, and all you think you're made for is just to sit about and take your vittles.

But she keeps mah house all spick and span; She has good vittles fo' her ol' man; She spanks the chillun, but she loves 'em, too; She sho' am sharp, but she's good and true 'Deed she am! '

"dish of biled vittles.

o' sacred things like meals and vittles" "

The vittles, no doubt, you begged up at the Vicarage, sayin' you'd been a peck o' trouble to the family, but this was going to be the last time.

The farm was all sold off; 'twas poor land, and didn't fetch much; but what there was went to keep 'em in vittles and firin'.

I've pompied him, cooked the very best of vittles, argued with him, eppisoded, but all to no use, he's as sot as a hen turkey on a brick bat, and I've got to the end of my chain.

Well, when I had, with the children's help and an enormous expenditure of good vittles and eloquence, brought him round to the idee, I found I had another trial worse than the first to contend with.

Had I got to go through another siege of argument and persuasion and extra vittles?

And of course I stood ready and follered it up with eloquent arguments, tenderness and the very best of vittles.

Biled vittles with a bag puddin' which he loved almost to idolatry I put before him in vain; I petted him; I called him "dear Josiah" repeatedly; I fairly pompeyed him, but no change could I see, I felt turrible.

63 examples of  vittles  in sentences