40495 examples of voice in sentences

It was the shrill and pitiful voice of the dead stock-tender's wife, and it came from a window of the house.

I yelled at the top of my voice, and riding up to them, told them that the Indians were after me.

" The tender, pleading voice ceased and then Dyce lifted her clasped hands,"Oh, Lord Jesus, help us ter glorify thee before de worl'.

A boy is 'a growing giant of wants whom the coat of Have is never large enough to cover.'" "His father managed, so can I." John's voice shook a little.

What an exultant ring there was in her voice, and how tenderly she lingered over the name!

"You must consult your aunt," he said in a changed voice.

she cried one morning, and her voice was full of pain, "how you are wasting this beautiful life that God has given you!" Louis stretched himself lazily in his arm-chair and clasped his hands behind his head.

" "Oh, Louis," and Evadne's voice was choked with tears, "the time may come when you would give the whole world to be able to please your father!"

He say he'll look out fer Dyce ez long ez he live," the husband's voice broke, "I don't care nuthin' 'bout dat!" and Dyce turned away with a choking sob; "but I'se proud to hev him see what kind of a man you is.

"Twelve," a voice sang out on the lower deck.

Suddenly above the din Maudie's shrill voice: "I thought that was Nig!"

His voice was soft, but as the Colonel looked at him he realized why a hard fellow like Scoville Austin had made this Southerner Superintendent.

" "But, believe me, I don't at heart," said Charteris, in a queer earnest voice.

"H'm!" said she, with something of interrogation in her voice.

She rested her ample chin on a much-bejeweled hand for a moment; and, when Mrs. Pendomer raised her face, her voice was free from affectation.

And neither pity nor love belonged to that place, nor any succor, nor the touch of a brother, nor the voice of a friend.

And the eyes of all were fixed upon the man who lay as one dead upon the ground, and from the lips of all came a low murmur of rapture and delight, that spread like the hum of the bees, like the cooing of the doves, like the voice of a mother over her child; and the same sound came to her own lips unawares, and she murmured 'welcome' and 'brother' and 'friend,' not knowing what she said; and looking to the others, whispered, 'Hush!

The watchers knew not what the other voice said, for what is said to each new-comer is the secret of the Lord.

Again she did not answer, knowing that her voice would be full of the telltale tears.

" The Señora Tomasa wiped her eye with the point of her forefinger, her voice shook and the tears fell over her wrinkled old cheeks.

Two tablets of old gold with Gothic letters, hung on to one of the pilasters, set forth that anyone talking in a loud voice or making signs in the church would be excommunicated; but this menace of former centuries failed to impress the few people who came to vespers and gossiped behind one of the pillars with some of the church servants.

" Then he added, lowering his voice: "The Church has never been a great lover of music.

The clouds of colour from the lovely rose windows relieved the funereal aspect of the religious ceremony, while from the choir a tenor voice intoned the lamentations of the oriental prophet.

And then," he added quietly as though grief were paralysing his voice, "there was that unhappy martyr who died of shame; my poor wife who left the world so as not to see my grief and the contempt of others!

she called in a coaxing voice.

40495 examples of  voice  in sentences