17 examples of vowe in sentences

Or. Is all religion of thy vowe forgot?

And, though thou walke in chaunged bodie now, This penance shall be added to thy vowe: Thyself a man shalt love a man in vaine, And, loving, wish to be a maide againe.

No; but deprived of her company, And for my careles negligence therein Am bound to doo this penaunce for my sin; That, if I never finde where she remaines, I vowe a yeare shal be my end of paines.

As a friend his friend, And so I vowe to love thee to the end.

My Lord, it greeves me to be thus unmaskt And made ridiculous in the stealth of love; But (for Lucilias honour) I protest (Not for the desperate vowe that Flores made)

My Lord, I kindlie cry you mercy now, Ashamed that you should injurie your estate To kneele to me; and vowe before these lords To make you all amends you can desire.

Madame, since her departure I have done More hartie penance then her hart could wish, And vowe hereafter to live ever hers.

shalt brynge Thy greatest frend & greatest enemye Coopld for thy companyons; then I vowe To doe thy father honor, but tyll then

My crosse unhappye fortune hathe decreed A never shalbe conquerd; any ells, Should a but vowe to conquer 50 worlds, I would beleive a myght doo't: onlye I Shall never master a dejected slave.

Sir, from the fayre protectyon of your grace And satisfactyon of your vowe; which doone, Bouldlye I hope I may voutsafe to begge My fathers deare deliverance.

So you rewarde us, whatsoever it be, We vowe performance, and true secrecie.

A heavie sentence, full of wondrous feare: I cannot choose but credit such a vowe.

But yet I would suspect my fathers vowe, Did any other make it by your leave.

Thou Eunuch, Capon, Dastard, fast and loose, Thou weathercocke of mutabilitie, White-livered Paisant, wilt thou vowe and sweare, Face and make semblance with thy bagpipe othes Of that thou never meanst to execute?

Ponder your oath, your vowe, as God did live, I should not live, if I did rescue him.

In all the wourld I vowe I am not woorthe a lighted faggott Or a poore pan of charcoale.

The cause why they sayd so, and perswaded them in that earnest maner, was, for that the Dutch Iesuite had secretly bene aduertised of great summes of money which they had about them, and sought to get the same into their fingers, for that the first vowe and promise they make at their entrance into their Order, is to procure the welfare of their sayd Order, by what meanes soeuer it be.

17 examples of  vowe  in sentences