20 examples of w's in sentences

He wrote half a column on the "sad death of Col. W's.

Thus, through the carelessness of this obscure individual, was Col. W's.

I w's scan'l'ized.

Two officials entered the carriage, tall Russians in full uniform, and seized everythingshawls, books, gloves, bags; and then, looking around very carefully, espied W's poor little ragged handkerchief, and seized that, too, as a contraband article!

The temperament of W's father was diametrically the reverse of his own.

Although the Major Bayer passes, with von W's counter-signature, got us as far as Schaerbeek, we were challenged by the guards at the railroad station.

W's a Woodpecker, Who with his long bill, Bores holes in a tree, And of worms eats his fill.

"My mother has mislaid the old visiting-list, and the new one only goes down to T: so that the U's, and the V's, and W's will be all left out.

Bites her nails, cannot pronounce her h's, and misplaces her v's and w's.

He halted about fifty yards from W's door and leveled his gun.

He halted about fifty yards from W's door and leveled his gun.

It will be a change for the "Palladium's" eleven unhappy readers, who are getting very tired of the old type cast for the Concha Mission in 1811, which tries to make up for its lack of w's by a plentiful superfluity of greaser u's.

Just that time, Dr W's car pulled up alongside the newspaper entrance.

Of course I wrote a story about that marigold of G W's and I am dying to inflict it on you.

They consisted, upon the upper flat part of the rock, of four multiple circles with a dot in the middle (O), very accurately made and about a foot and a half in diameter; and below them, on the side of the rock, four multiple m's or inverted w's (M).

Ginger was never put into the carriage again, but when she was well of her bruises one of Lord W's younger sons said he should like to have her; he was sure she would make a good hunter.

"Ze Ving-and-Ving"; pronouncing the w's in a very different way from what they had been sounded in answering the hails.

I rode all through the burnt district and the bush to Mrs. W's field, in making my way out of which I was very nearly swamped, and, but for the valuable assistance of a certain sable Scipio who came up and extricated me, I might be floundering hopelessly there still.

He got me out of my Slough of Despond, and put me in the way to a charming wood ride which runs between Mrs. W's and Colonel H's grounds.

Mr. W's head was not stuck upon a pole anywhere within sight, however, and as soon as I became pretty sure of this, I began to look about me, and saw instead a trellis tapestried with the most beautiful roses I ever beheld, another of these exquisite southern flowersthe Cherokee rose.

20 examples of  w's  in sentences