Do we say wails or whales

wails 115 occurrences

hark, what myriads bid you rise; Three millions of our race in madness Break out in wails, in bitter cries, Break out in wails, in bitter cries, Must men whose hearts now bleed with anguish, Yes, trembling slaves in freedom's land, Endure the lash, nor raise a hand?

hark, what myriads bid you rise; Three millions of our race in madness Break out in wails, in bitter cries, Break out in wails, in bitter cries, Must men whose hearts now bleed with anguish, Yes, trembling slaves in freedom's land, Endure the lash, nor raise a hand?

From the guard-tent a trumpet wails, "Lights out.

Sleepless and restless, I alone, In the dusk and damp of these wails of stone, Wander and weep in my remorse!

Into his room, through the thin wall, came the catch of numberless sobs, the long-drawn open wails, and the spasms of sobbing.

The wails of the unfortunate cat mingle with the short snapping barks of the pack, or a howl of anguish as puss inflicts a caress on the face of some too careless or reckless dog.

Her sword has left her keeping, Her prows forget the tide, And the Adriatic, weeping, Wails round his mourning bride.'

It is enough to put down the wails which he wrote long afterwards when visibly approaching the close of all human emotions and interests: "This is the day on which, in 1752, dear Letty died.

For with the words which I read were all mixed up visions of crawling hearses, wails, and lugubrious crapes, and piercing shrieks of madness in strange earthy vaults, and all the mournfulness of the black Vale of Death, and the tragedy of corruption.

Above all, he weeps and wails over the malignity of Reviewers, who have persecuted him almost from his very cradle, and seem resolved to bark him into the grave.

Jarley, she reasoned, had a perfect right to spoil Jack if he pleased, but he had no right to permit Jack to do bodily injury to Tommy; and as Tommy was making the house echo and re-echo with his wails, she deemed it her duty to take a hand.

This consists in uttering the most heartrending, almost hideous wails and lamentations, in which all join until exhausted.

I have seen few things in life so touching as the spectacle of an old father going daily to the grave of his child, while the shadows are lengthening, and pouring out his grief in wails that would move a demon, until his figure melts with the gray twilight, when, silent and solemn, he returns to his desolate family.

Hundreds of fingers were dismembered; hair torn from the head lay in profusion about the paths; wails and moans in every direction assailed the ear, where unrestrained joy had a few hours before prevailed.

Over the bones of dynasties, the hot wind wails and sobs and moans.

The hymn had given place to the formless chant, through which the minors quivered like the wails of lost souls.

Her sister, about eight years old, came near dying of grief; she neither played, ate or slept, and they wrote me that her wails of anguish were beyond description.

Meseemeth that it wails Like some lost soul.

Sighs, wails, exclamations of entreaty welcomed the passing saint in a chorus of despair and hope.

Dismally wails, the senses chilling, The hymnthe FURIES' solemn song; And froze the very marrow thrilling As roll'd the gloomy sounds along. And weal to himfrom crime secure Who keeps his soul as childhood's pure; Life's path he roves, a wanderer free

They voice the wails of despair which then rose from the lips of many Jews.

(In Powder River Jack and Kitty Lee's cowboy song book with music cowboy wails and cattle trails of the wild West) © 14Dec34; AA167226.

(In Powder River Jack and Kitty Lee's cowboy song book with music cowboy wails and cattle trails of the wild West) © 14Dec34; AA167226.

" "Secrets," sighs the night-wind, "Vacancy is all I find; Every keyhole I have made Wails a summons, faint and sad, No voice ever answers me, Only vacancy.

"If I only had some place to put things in!" wails the first.

whales 300 occurrences

On the other side of the table Mr. Medbourne was involved in a calculation of dollars and cents, with which was strangely intermingled a project for supplying the East Indies with ice, by harnessing a team of whales to the polar icebergs.

There were many walruses, which they used for many things; whales, too, they could easily capture before the whalers drove them north, and then they hunted the wild reindeer, until now there are scarcely any left.

Peacepool, where the good whales lie, waiting till Mother Carey shall send for them "to make them out of old beasts into new"? Tom swims up to the nearest whale and asks the way to Mother Carey.

They are well enough when a vessel is on her road; but, as for whales or seals, the man who wishes to find either, in these times, has to look for them, as I tell my owner.

According to reports, the time has been when a craft had only to get an offing to fall in with something that was worth putting a harpoon into; but those days are gone, captain Daggett; and whales are to be looked after, out at sea, much as money is to be looked for ashore here.

Last season, it may have been to look for whales on the coast of Japan; the season before that, to search for islands frequented by the seals; this season, possibly, to carry a party out to hunt for camelopards, set nets for young lions, and beat up the quarters of the rhinoceros on the plains of Africa: while the next, they may be transporting ice from Long Pond to Calcutta and Kingstonnot to say to London itself.

The process of paddling up to whales, which is now so common in the American ships, was then very little or not at all resorted to.

Had not Roswell and Daggett, previously to leaving their respective vessels, seen the signs of whales with their own eyes, it is probable that they would now have both been disposed to return, calling in their mates.

"I am happy to say that we had very pleasant weather to cut in, and secured every gallon of the oil of both our whales, as did Captain Daggett all of his.

Seals and whales are the gifts of God, and one person has no more right to them than another.

Great was the reputation Roswell Gardiner made by this capture of the two spermaceti whales, and by sending the proceeds to so good a market.

Albatrosses, too, helped to make up the picture of animated nature, while whales were often heard blowing in the adjacent waters.

On the second or third day out we passed several spouting whales, but I could not arouse myself to make the effort to go to the other side of the ship to see them.

" "They are willing enough to listen, and will sit looking as stupid as a school of white whales, caught in a stake trap," replied Katherine.

The hands which had been busy conquering the elements had only to change their weapons and their adversaries, and they were as ready to conquer the masses of living force opposed to them as they had been to build towns, to dam rivers, to hunt whales, to harvest ice, to hammer brute matter into every shape civilization can ask for.

"The polar bear preys upon seals, fish, and the carcasses of whales.

The wonderful waters between Vancouver and Victoria are full of whales, leaping and rejoicing in the strong blue all about the steamer.

'Whales are beautiful beasts,' he said affectionately.

He went on to tell me how a swift ship goes hunting whales with a bomb-gun and explodes shells into their insides so that they perish at once.

At the end of her day's kill she would return, towing sometimes as many as four inflated whales to the whalery, which is a factory full of modern appliances.

The whales are hauled up inclined planes like logs to a sawmill, and as much of them as will not make oil for the Scotch leather-dresser, or cannot be dried for the Japanese market, is converted into potent manure.

That fellow,' he pointed to a black hump in a wreath of spray, 'would cut up a miracle.' 'If you go on like this you won't have any whales left,' I said.

If the specimen composition you send is about your fair usual average, I should judge that perhaps a couple of whales would be all you want for the present; not the largest kind, but simply good, middling-sized whales!Mark Twain's Letter to a Young Author.

They became gulls, cormorants, ravens, rats, mice, black sheep, swelling waves, whales, and very frequently cats and hares."

" Another lady was equally discomposed by the introduction of gas, asking, with much earnestness, "What's to become o' the puir whales'?" deeming their interests materially affected by this superseding of their oil.

Do we say   wails   or  whales