245 examples of waiting patiently in sentences

" Imagine Sir HARCOURT COURTLEY batting splendidly to DIEDRICK VAN BEEKMAN'S pitching; or picture Major DE BOOTS waiting patiently on the short stop for a chance to put Captain ABSOLUTE out on his second base.

" He counted off his points upon the tips of his fingers, in the confident manner of a teacher who deals with a stupid child, waiting patiently for the young mind to comprehend.

There were carts here now with dim, old-fashioned lanterns, and long teams of mules waiting patiently to be relieved of their massive collars.

Denbigh, after waiting patiently until Moseley had bestowed his alms, gravely repeated his directions for their proceeding to the cottage, when the carriages moved on.

Peter was in full costume, with the exception of the goggles, and was in reality a subject to be gazed at; but nothing relaxed the muscles or attracted the particular notice of the soldier, who, having regained his set form of countenance, appeared drawn up in himself, waiting patiently for the moment he was expected to act.

This sentimental symbol was obviously intended to lend dignity and respectability to the otherwise disreputable vehicle of concord and its steed without wings, waiting patiently to be offor to lie down and pay the debt of nature!

Perhaps a camera-man has been at the beach for weeks, waiting patiently for some tragedy to occur.

" The young man lowered the butt of his piece, waiting patiently and calmly for his superior to decide.

"Oh, certainly!" replied Ralph, with solemn sympathy; "but here is Mr. Verty waiting patiently to hear what I have to say.

" Mr. Barley opened the letter, read it, and had another attack; when this was finished he handed the letter to Mike, who was waiting patiently by, hoping for light, and requested him to read it.

A crimson footmark on the gray concrete! Riglett, who had been waiting patiently two yards away, now coughed plaintively.

I suppose I was rather hard upon him once in a while; but I knew he was waiting patiently for the day which should separate us.

It was Mr. Oxford's chauffeur, waiting patiently till his master should be ready to re-enter the wheeled salon.

I had in vain for some time endeavored to gain admittance, and was waiting patiently quite at a distance from the door, which was thronged with ladies and high dignitaries, when a gentleman who guarded the door, and who had his breast covered with orders, addressed me by name, asking me if I was not Professor Morse.

Uniforms of every conceivable cut and colour rubbed shoulder to shoulder; ambulance waggons, guns, ammunition trains, and picketed horses all seemed to be mixed in inextricable confusion; while a squadron of French cavalry in their bright blue and silver uniforms was drawn up on one side of the square, waiting patiently for the orders which would permit them to go to the help of their hard-pressed comrades.

Now, after waiting patiently, as fits a man of my degree, the Woolsack cries aloud for me, and soft and soothing it will be to my whole frame and dignity.

And so she accepted the rule of Joe's motherto do Joe's bidding without question, to let him have his way, waiting patiently for the time when he would need and cry out for the personal.

Kentish lawn in the spring, birds singing in the lilacs, and some one in a muslin frock waiting patiently beneath a certain cedarnot the one in the picture, I know, but" "I was not waiting," she said indignantly, "I was picking fir-cones for the schoolroom fire" "Fir-cones, my dear, do not grow on cedars, and schoolroom fires were not made in June in my young days.

We one day discovered the boys in an old barn on the premises; and waiting patiently near by until we saw them depart on some errand to the house, we perceived, to our great joy that the door was unfastened; and effecting a hasty entrance, we expected to be almost as well rewarded for our trouble as was Blue-beard's wife on entering the forbidden chamber.

After waiting patiently a quarter of an hour, Mark believed that the proper time had come, and he gave the order to 'let run.'

So it was with them in the first weeks of the war, and it was a pitiable thing to watch the long queues of women waiting patiently outside the mairies, hour after hour and sometimes day after day, to get that one franc twenty-five which would buy their children's bread.

Instead of treating love as a quiet and respectable undertaking, as I mean to treat itinstead of simmering your love down to a gentlemanly respect and esteem, as I mean to simmer itand waiting patiently for the natural consequences of things, as I mean to waityou must, like a boy as you are, have it all out in a minute, set the whole house by the ears, and throw yourself out of it without rhyme or reason, or profit to any body.

This reckless, but unsubstantial and very unwholesome meal, was not for us, and while waiting patiently for the first course to appear, I glanced down the long table to admire the decorations.

Raoul bore this very well, waiting patiently for the light to disappear, when he felt a perfect confidence of again meeting Ghita on the promenade.

Although his eye did not reach any human figure his mind pictured them everywhere, waiting patiently for a chance at his comrades and himself.

245 examples of  waiting patiently  in sentences