392 examples of walked towards in sentences

I walked towards the house, where all appeared to be still and silent as a desert.

" As he walked towards the door Gifford intercepted him.

" The fisherman glanced a look around, and perceiving that several groups were conversing near, in the square, he signed to his companion to follow him, and walked towards the quays.

As I walked towards the house, I heard Ajax following me, but he did not speak till we had reached our comfortable sitting-room.

He went down to the office, made full and precise arrangements about Gaffney, who was to be given a room close to his own, left some instructions as to what was to be done with him on arrival, and then, hands in pockets, strolled out into Aldwych and walked towards the Strand, his eyes bent on the ground as if he strove to find in those hard pavements some solution of all these difficulties.

Oh, have I changed so much in two little years?" John put her out of his arms very gently, and walked towards the window.

" After this, he lifted up his head, and seeing the moon rising, walked towards the palace.

"I'll manage it," said Joe, and walked towards her, while Dick and Henri returned to the chief's tent.

More than half an hour having elapsed, and Thirlby not coming forth, Leonard began to think sufficient time had been allowed him for private conference with the piper, and he therefore walked towards the door, and coughing to announce his approach, raised the latch and entered the house.

So saying, he arose and walked towards the door.

Wishing very much to communicate with these people, we walked towards them, but they suddenly rose and scampered up the hill among the trees, which were so thick as soon to conceal them from our view.

I wish," said he, sadly, "that I was dead!" No longer able to repress the tears that were welling up, he walked towards the window of a print-store, where he pretended to be deeply interested in some pictures whilst he stealthily wiped his eyes.

We landed and walked towards the cottage, there being nothing about the place to forbid our taking this liberty.

"That is where Mr. Fielding lives," said Green, as they walked towards it.

And as for Bill, he turned and walked towards the door.

Mr. Sandford walked towards his office, that fine autumn morning, in no amiable mood.

And I smiled at him over my shoulder as I walked towards the door!

Abruptly she walked towards the end of the gallery, and he saw her fumbling for her handkerchief in the folds of the green and black dress.

Scarcely indeed had I seated myself, and actually while I was placing my topi on an adjacent stool, a lady emerged from a distant door at the end of the verandah and walked towards me.

" She lifted herself from the chair on which she was leaning, and walked towards him.

He hurried off, snatching a kiss from the baby and from the mother who held it, and walked towards Bullion's office.

The man and the boy looked at Jonas, as he walked towards them.

He thanked me even for that favor, recommended himself once more to my kindness, and we walked towards the company, returned with them to the house, and he soon took leave.

Foiled in an effort, that nothing but his desperate condition, and nearly desperate character, could have induced him to attempt, the degenerate descendant of the virtuous Clarendon walked towards his place of confinement, with the step of one who assumed a superiority over his fellows, and yet with a mind so indurated by habitual depravity, as to have left it scarcely the trace of a dignified or virtuous quality.

And she walked towards the door, which he held open for her.

392 examples of  walked towards  in sentences