5 examples of walkings in sentences

I can sit at home, in rain or shine, without a restless impulse for walkings.

His religion is a mummery, and his Gospel-walkings nothing but dancing a masquerade.

I can sit at home in rain or shine without a restless impulse for walkings.

"Eatings, drinkings, wakings, sleepings, walkings, talkings, sayings, doingsall were for the good of the public; there was not such a things as a secret in the town.

When it was reported to the magistrates of the Lacedaemonians called Ephori, in manner of complaint, that the inhabitants of Deceleia used afternoone walkings, they sent unto them messengers with their commandmente, saying:"Go not up and doune like loyterers, nor walke not abrode at your pleasure, pampering the wantonnes of your natures rather than accustoming yourself to exercises of activity.

5 examples of  walkings  in sentences