6 examples of wambles in sentences

Spare therefore thy wambling nonsense, I desire thee; and leave this sweet excellence and me to our fate: that will determine for us, as it shall please itself: for as Cowley says, An unseen hand makes all our moves:

The maid gave me not my supper yesternight, so that indeed my belly wambled, and standing near the great sea-coal fire in the hall, and not being full, on the sudden I crack'd, and you know, mistress, a pipkin is soon broken.

Lord, how my stomach wambles at the same word very poor!

I was feeling rather wamble-cropped, because of the memory of that poor fellow with the tar in his eyesbut I went all the same.

I felt just as good as any one, but I was a little wamble-cropped when I thought that I shouldn't know how to behave.

The expressions he used to describe his own judicial preparations for the bench were very characteristic: "Ye see I first read a' the pleadings, and then, after lettin' them wamble in my wame wi' the toddy twa or three days, I gie my ain interlocutor."

6 examples of  wambles  in sentences