206 examples of warily in sentences

I suppose some one told you to, didn't they?" "Please, sir," answered Diggory warily, "we thought we had to, so that you might have our names to enter in your mark-book.

It was a stupid thing to do as I was there in, for the moment, a rather questionable situation, still I felt pretty secure from being noticed, and went up warily to the next floor.

A glaze had formed on the hard-trodden path, and one must needs walk warily.

Like careful warders they put the captives in their midst, and set out on their journey, riding right warily.

Set thy sails warily, Tempests will come; Steer thy course steadily, Christian, steer home!" Mrs. Southey.

But it was now clear day, and by walking warily Christian got safely to the end of the valley.

At last,[a] in a house of fourteen members, the majority pronounced him guilty of certain acts, but called upon the judges to determine the quality of the offence; who warily replied, that nothing of which he had been convicted was treason by the statute law; what it might be by the law of parliament, the house alone was the proper judge.

But these baths must be warily frequented by melancholy persons, or if used, to such as are very cold of themselves, for as Gabelius concludes of all Dutch baths, and especially of those of Baden, "they are good for all cold diseases, naught for choleric, hot and dry, and all infirmities proceeding of choler, inflammations of the spleen and liver."

But this must be warily understood, for as Arnoldus objects, lib.

Then Leothric advanced into the marshes, and the eye of Tharagavverug looked out warily from the hilt of Sacnoth; for Tharagavverug had known the marshes well, and the sword nudged Leothric to the right or pulled him to the left away from the dangerous places, and so brought him safely to the fortress walls.

With her pregnant assistance he roughed out a scheme, so warily conceived and so faithfully elaborated, that, on its presentation to the Lords of the Signory, it was accepted almost unanimously.

Then, staring warily about him, he made straight for the stone behind which Hewitt waited.

" No more was spoken of the matter; but the lady set her house in order, as best she was able, and coming to her captives said, "Sirs, go warily, so that the Saracens see nothing of what is in our mind; for, please God, we shall yet win to France and the county of Ponthieu.

" "Why should I?" said Elinor, warily.

" He stood outside pondering over the unforeseen difficulties attendant upon his new career, moving a few inches to one side as Mr. Ricketts, a foe of long standing, came towards the public-house, and, halting a yard or two away, eyed him warily.

Oates watches his animal warily, reluctant to keep such a nervous creature standing in the traces.

Having already passed over the greater part of Arcadia, one day, going to repose himself in a little wood, he saw a fair lady walking with her side towards him, whose sword interested her to be an Amazon, and following her warily to a fine close arbour, he heard her sing, with a voice no less beautiful to his ears than her goodliness was full of harmony to his sight.

JACOBUS [warily] We must take counsel over such a sum.

[MICHAEL climbs down the ancient well, reaching his head up warily, to see.

There was a back entrance into Roslyn school behind the chapel, and it could be reached by a path through the fields without any chance of being seen, if a person set warily to work and watched his opportunity.

He had for years and years inspected trains at the head of a heavyish grade in the mountainsthough not half so steep as the Hexwhere all brakes are jammed home, and the cars slither warily for ten miles.

In due time, they will forget how warily their fathers had to walk in the Mahdi's time to secure even half a bellyful; then, as has happened elsewhere.

But he followed him warily, and, when they reached a quiet street, Banker quickened his pace, passed Cheditafa, and, suddenly turning, confronted him.

From the rear of Obadiah's home a narrow footway led toward the lake and Nathaniel followed it, now as warily as an animal in search of prey.

I crept warily after him, ready to fire on the instant, but not wishing to throw away my last cartridge.

206 examples of  warily  in sentences