110 examples of watchin' in sentences

"The sun was, may be, an hour high, when lookin' along the line of marked trees, I saw a black animal come trotting mighty softly towards the trap I was watchin'.

"How can I help watchin' you?" said the Boy.

I've been eight years watchin' for a chance to get in again, an' now I've got it.

"Doubtless the enemy are watchin' the sally-port so closely that we would be seen tryin' to gain it, for on that side the shadow is less than here, and if there be large numbers posted to prevent an entrance, then must we come to grief.

If I only could get some cracks at a bunch of them togetherwith this big shot-gun!" "Say, we've been watchin' that carthe half-size one, therenext the high box-car," whispered Olsen.

And then of course I knew that night that you would watch the frostif there was any watchin' to it.

" "John, it is well for you that you have some one to do your watchin'," said Mrs. Watson.

"What yer watchin' for, Polly?" Polly didn't answer.

An' the perty roses ye gie'd 'im,he never tired o' watchin' 'em.

Why, the only way I knowed if thet pistol went off or not was by watchin' fur the smoke: the critters kep' up such a squealin' that I couldn't hear you speak a word.

He went thoo a whole week o' disagreeable lessons once-t at one school 'cause he was watchin' a bird-nest on the way to that school.

[Illustration: "He was watchin' a bird-nest on the way to that school."

Only there's no time to be lost; she do be watchin' every stir, your reverence.

I can see us chillun sittin' on the gallery watchin' em.

"Of course he does not like the idea of my leaving him and going away to such dreadful and remote places as Denver and Omaha, and I don't know what else; but he will not oppose me in the end, and when you come on again" "By thunder!" exclaimed Sam; "ef thar ain't one of them cussed sharps a watchin' 'em.

I see him a-watchin' yoh; what d' yoh think, if we give him a chance?"

No wonder I cry when I remember that lonesome night, holdin' the little one in my arms an' watchin' the still face on the bed, knowin' that nevermore those eyes would look into mine, nevermore those cold lips would speak to me.

Andy on a Saturday afternoon along the ropes, watchin' a football game.

He was either watchin' the rabbit or didn't think I was watchin' him for I got pritty close before he started to fly.

Waitin' and watchin' to catch the likes o' you is what took me there.

Then he sets awhile, smellin' of the clean pine air and listenin' to the wind runnin' loose in the tree-tops and watchin' the clouds driftin' by, white and clean and proud-like.

So I was for watchin' him some more.

I was watchin' the bar'l, yer Honor, becos Pat McKibbin had some of 'em stole lately, ye see.

But Mac Strann jest stood there watchin', and grinnin' in his ugly waydamn his soul black!and never sayin' a word back.

And I thought of Dan with his heart followin' the wild geeseGod knows why!and I seen a picture of him standin' and watchin' them, with you nearby and not able to get one look out of him.

110 examples of  watchin'  in sentences