59 examples of waterside in sentences

They took them to the Tuileries, and shut them up in the vast cellar situated beneath the terrace at the waterside.

There is very good fishing in several of the rivers, but unhappily French conservancy laws are so laxif indeed they have any at all that peasants may frequently be seen at the waterside with a rod in one hand and a capacious net in the other, so that if unsuccessful with the first, they will at any rate not come home empty-handed; unless some brother "sportsman" has just preceded them over the same pools!

Most birds of the waterside seem to find that black-and-white feathers make a good disguise.

" So saying he led his companions to the waterside, where he chartered a native boat for an hour's sail.

Murdstone and Grinby's warehouse was at the waterside, down in Blackfriars, and an important branch of their trade was the supply of wines and spirits to certain packet ships.

Looking towards the ocean from the outer harbour, one sees the massive arms which Whitby has thrust into the waves, holding aloft the steady lights that 'Safely guide the mighty ships Into the harbour bay.' If we keep to the waterside, modern Whitby has no terrors for us.

"They're expecting me in to tea," he said, with a nod in the direction of Mr. Kybird's, "and honest waterside labourers who earn their bread by the sweat of their browwhen the foreman is looking do not frequent the society of the upper classes.

Down by the waterside Mr. Nathan Smith found that he had suddenly attained the rank of a popular hero, and his modesty took alarm at the publicity afforded to his action.

" The Genoese dropped a sequin into the hand of the officer, passing him, at the same time, on his way to the waterside.

The Welsh Terrier is quite a new introduction that a dozen or so years ago was seldom seen outside the Principality; and so recently as 1881 the Airedale was merely a local dog known in Yorkshire as the Waterside or the Bingley Terrier.

The Waterside Terrier was the name first vouchsafed to the new variety.

And there is an excuse for preferring champagne to waterside porter, heady with grains of paradise and quassia, salt and cocculus indicus.

[Footnote 1: Designated in the Aztec original by the name Teoapan Ilhuicaatenco, from teotl, divine, atl, water, pan, in or near, ilhuicac, heaven, atenco, the waterside: "Near the divine water, where the sky meets the strand.

There was something very like a panic down by the waterside, three hundred yards away from the house.

These additions, alterations, and improvements, ought to be made now; and I doubt not, in the course of time, all warehouses will be removed from the banks of the Thames, above Blackfriars' Bridge, and that streets will run by the waterside as at Dublin.

The train then follows the waterside as closely as may be to Ottery St. Mary.

From the Plaza, then but a block or so from the waterside, two main roads trailed off through the sand dunes.

Fifteen minutes' walk brought him to the now busy waterside.

The cañon was narrow and she would hardly leave the waterside for the steep trail.

In this humid air and level country a waterside row of live-oaks hardly four miles off seemed at the world's edge and hid all the river beyond it.

One of the Friends was now in the Boat, while the other was drawn up with others by the Waterside waiting the Return of the Boat.

There is also abundance of wood that may be cut close to the waterside.

Three natives were noticed as we passed along the shore; they were walking upon a sandy beach abreast of us but very soon disappeared among the trees and bushes which here grow close down to the waterside; they were armed with spears and appeared to be watching our movements; for they moved along in the direction of our course and did not afterwards make their appearance during the evening.

I went to the waterside, and saw a cluster of people on the opposite shore; but, being yet at a distance, they looked more like soldiers surrounding a carriage than a group of men and women; red and green were the distinguishable colours.

When I was with her, I could not overcome my bashfulness, my lack of experience, my ignorance of every manner of approach except that of the canallers to the waterside women, with which I suddenly found myself as familiar through memory as with the route from my plate to my mouth; that way I had fully made up my mind to adopt; but something held me back.

59 examples of  waterside  in sentences