11470 examples of waved in sentences

I don't know how I managed to raise my gun,I did it quite dreaming like; it went off with the biggest noise ever a gun made, and the bullet must have gone through the very head of the ghost, for it waved its thin arms fearfully.

The fellow waved his hands in a gesture indicating disgust.

Fairfax remained beside the rail, staring out across the widening water, clearly dissatisfied, but finally waved his hand in a command to me to resume our course.

Pearl's eyes approved of each detail, from the way his hair waved and parted back; the dull gold and purple tie, which seemed to bring out the bronze tones in his hair and the steely gray of his eyes; the well-cut business suit of rough brown tweed, with glints of green and bronze, down to the dark brown, well-polished boots.

Dramatically she waved her right arm towards the sea, and in bitter words chided it for its restless tossing, and commanded it to hear the words of the ALL HIGH, Great and Powerful King, and stayjustwhereitwas!

The woman who lived the nearest to her, geographically, was Mrs. Cowan, and one daythe first summershe saw Mrs. Cowan beating rugs on the line, and as the day was breezy, it seemed as if she waved her apron.

Mrs. Gray waved back, in an ecstacy of joy and expectationbut there came no response from her neighborno answering signal, and as the lonely woman watched, hoping, looking, prayingthere rolled over her with crushing sadness the conviction that all her hopes of friendliness were in vain.

" "Good night, fellows, and thank you for the grub you gave me?" laughed Bluff, as he waved his hand mockingly toward the group.

After they were fairly on board they waved their handkerchiefs for a good by to their friends on shore.

He waved his hand in adieu to Stefano, and then the boat disappeared among the hulls that crowded the port.

Shouts arose, trumpets blew their blasts, and each lady waved her handkerchief, in felicitation of the happy union.

He waved a hand toward the horse from which they had just dismounted.

The others he waved aside as civilian truck.

At that, I waved my hand to him in friendly fashion, and he waved back, and then, even as I looked, I saw something in the water under the boatsomething dark colored that was all of a-move.

At that, I waved my hand to him in friendly fashion, and he waved back, and then, even as I looked, I saw something in the water under the boatsomething dark colored that was all of a-move.

Now I have been so busy with my description of how we made the great bow, that I have omitted to tell of the flight of time, and how we had eaten our dinner this long while since, and how that the people in the hulk had waved to us, and we had returned their signals, and then written upon a length of the canvas the one word, "WAIT."

Presently, the evening drawing near, the bo'sun set us to the building of fires about the hill-top, and after that, having waved our goodnights to the people in the hulk, we made our suppers, and lay down to smoke, after which, we turned-to again at our plaiting of the sennit, the which we were in very great haste to have done.

And at this coming of good things, we stood all of us upon the edge of the hill, and waved our thanks to those in the ship, they waving back in all good will, and after that we went back to our meal, at which we sampled the new victuals with very lusty appetites.

Presently, as the evening began to draw on, the bo'sun bade us go and build our fires about the hilltop, and this we did, after which we returned to learn how the rope was lifting, and now we perceived that it had come clear of the weed, at which we felt mightily rejoiced, and waved encouragement, chance there might be any who watched us from the hulk.

And now we discovered that a man in the look-out place in the top of the structure was waving a welcome to us, at which we waved back, and then the bo'sun bade me haste and write a note to know whether it seemed to them likely that they might be able to heave the ship clear of the weed, and this I did, greatly excited within myself at this new thought, as, indeed, was the bo'sun himself and the rest of the men.

Yet it cheered us greatly, so that we waved our congratulations to the man who stood in the lookout in the superstructure, and he waved back.

Seeing that I was watching him, he rose and waved his hand merrily.

He gripped me by the sleeve, and waved his hand round as Satan may have done when he showed the kingdoms and principalities.

The only symptom of objection I observed was an official in a boat, who waved a fan, and when he saw we took no notice, sat down again and went on with a book which he seemed to be reading.

I became convinced that those vines were alive, because the same thorns that we had passed hours before rose up again in our path and waved the scraps of bloody clothing that they had torn from Holman and myself.

11470 examples of  waved  in sentences