52 examples of wavelets in sentences

On a day when sky and water were so identically blue that they met in perfect horizon, the S. S. Rowena, sleek-flanked, mounted fore and aft with a pair of black guns that lifted snouts slightly to the impeccable blue, slipped quietly, and without even a newspaper sailing-announcement into a frivolous midstream that kicked up little lace edged wavelets, undulating flounces of them.

He remembered seeing the bright, sparkling wavelets and never forgot the impression they produced.

Look to the brilliant sky; Dark though the clouds be, nigh Wavelets of gold grandly float 'neath the blue.

It was soft, melodious, like wavelets on a calm sea, hinting unseen reefs.

Only seven wavelets had come in when I forgot to count, for there, right in the middle of the moon's path across the water, lay a lugger moored broadside to the beach.

Yet underneath their mist seemed to sparkle little points of light, as wavelets through a vapour which veils the surface of the sea.

But at its best, when it lies at rest On a cloudless summer day, And, tiger-like, forbears to strike, But, sated, basks at play, One seems to hear, with the psychic ear, Its murmuring wavelets say, "No real relief from care and grief Is found o'er distant waves; The men who sail to find it, fail, And sink to lonely graves; In the firm control of man's own soul Is alone the peace he craves.

EVENING ON LAKE COMO Beside my garden's ivied wall, Enwreathed in vines of gold and green, I stand, as evening shadows fall, And marvel at the matchless scene, While wavelets make, with rhythmic beat, Perpetual music at my feet.

THE POSTERN GATE I chose me a lovely garden, Beneath whose ivied wall A lake's blue wavelets murmur As evening shadows fall, A garden, whose leafy windows Frame visions of Alpine snow

What is the cause of this passionate strain, Voiced by thy wavelets again and again?

Boldly Love's wavelets now leap to the land, Swiftly they scale every tremulous strand, Lightly they sway with the wavering screen, White gleam their feet on its background of green; Yet the old parapet, mossy and gray, Never is reached by their glittering spray.

Under my wall And plane-tree tall The lake's blue wavelets rise and fall; In they creep, Out they sweep, And ever their rhythmic measure keep, As the light breeze over the water steals, And fills the sails of a score of keels.

DAY AND NIGHT Twilight is falling on lake and on land, Softly the wavelets steal in

By Lake Como's sylvan shore, Where the wavelets evermore Seem to rhythmically murmur of the classic days of yore, Cease, O boatman, now to row!

So beside its sylvan shore, Where the wavelets evermore Seem to rythmically murmur of the classic days of yore, Cease, O boatman, now to row!

In the dusk ere breaks the morn; And in silvery wavelets dallies, With the wind, the ripening corn.

I hear the innumerable wavelets spend themselves gently upon the shore, and die away to rise again.

The great sun sinks, and the gray fog heaps His cloak on the silent sea; The night-wind creeps where the ocean sleeps, And the wavelets wake in glee; Across the bay, like a silver star, There twinkles the harbor-light, And faint and far from the outer bar The sea-birds call "Good-night.

Wavelets laugh soft and free, Calling my love to me; The world's asleep.

Some four or five miles we accomplished successfully, although there were ominous signs of a gradual lack of water, until we came upon a hopeless shallow, where the river, instead of concentrating its energies on one deep and narrow channel, had run to waste over a wide bed, where the wrinkling wavelets showed the golden brown of the gravel just below the surface.

This is Fechner's theory of immortality, first published in the little 'Büchlein des lebens nach dem tode,' in 1836, and re-edited in greatly improved shape in the last volume of his 'Zend-avesta.' We rise upon the earth as wavelets rise upon the ocean.

The wavelets catch the sunbeams separately, the leaves stir when the branches do not move.

" When I thus communed with myself I was sitting, like a pensive maiden in a thoughtless romance, by the side of a brook, watching the wavelets as they passed.

and see, now, how I can shatter it into wavelets of stars, and now break it into a hundred, by merely disturbing the water where I see it, 'like sunshine broken in a rill.'

I remember the dear little cabin That stood by the weather-brown mill, And the beautiful wavelets of sunshine That flowed down the slope of the hill, And way down the winding green valley, And over the meadowsmooth shorn, How the dew-drops lay flashing and gleaming On the pale rosy robes of the morn.

52 examples of  wavelets  in sentences