11487 examples of waving in sentences

Fling, waving.

The brig rolled dizzily, so the cavalier sought to steady her steps, but she only laughed at the effort, waving him aside, as she moved easily forward.

he yelled, waving his gun threateningly.

Another cloud of dust spreading from earth to heaven, was observed in the direction of Persia, and the waving banners becoming more distinct, presently showed the approach of the king, Kai-khosráu.

Bright was the day, and on the spreading trees The frolic citizens of forest sung Their lays and merry notes on perching boughs; When suddenly appeared in the east Seven mighty eagles with their talons fierce, Who, waving oft about our consul's head, At last with hideous cry did soar away.

The idea of the 'skirts of the departing year, seen far onwards, waving in the wind,' is one of those noble Hints at which the Reader's imagination is apt to kindle into grand conceptions.

"No, I won't sit down, thanks," he added, waving away the chair towards which Philip had pointed.

To him, ye vocal gales, Breathe soft, whose spirit in your freshness breathes; Oh! talk of him in solitary glooms, Where, o'er the rock, the scarcely waving pine Fills the brown shade with a religious awe; And ye, whose bolder note is heard afar, Who shake the astonished world, lift high to heaven

Looking backward, I saw Dawée waving his hand to me.

Dawée stood in the yard, laughing at an old warrior who was pointing his forefinger, and again waving his whole hand, toward the hills.

The cloud shadows which drifted about on the waving yellow of long-dried grasses thrilled me like the meeting of old friends.

Waving his hand toward me, he exclaimed, "Here is the traitor to his people!"

To the lusty men's voices and the rhythmic throbbing drum, they leap and rebound with feathered headgears waving.

Waving his wing-fan spasmodically in front of his face, he sits with his ears pricked up.

And make them that had wont to see our Consuls, With conquering Eagles waving in the field, Instead of that behold an Emperor dauncing, Playing oth' stage and what else but to name Were infamie.

It was here he had seen her handkerchief waving at the loop, when he last departed; and hundreds of times since had he thought of this act of watchful affection, with doubts that led equally to pain or pleasure, as images of merely sisterly care, or of a tenderer feeling, obtruded themselves.

"From Roum have I come," shouted the priest, waving his whirligig; "from Roum, blown by the breath of a hundred devils across the sea!

Vines were gently waving in the morning air between the pillars of the piazza, where he had lingered entranced to hear the tones of "Buena Notte."

Tulipa, meanwhile, was waving a white towel with joyful energy, and when she came up to them, she half smothered them with hugs and kisses, exclaiming: "The Lord bless ye, Missy Rosy!

Vines of gossamer lightness were waving round her, and her pearly complexion and violet-tinted dress looked lovely among those aerial arabesques of delicate green.

The odor was also connected with negro protracted meetings in Hooker's Bend, and the Harvard man remembered a lanky black preacher waving long arms and wailing of hell-fire, to the chanted groans of his dark congregation; and he, Peter Siner, had groaned with the others.

Peter could see her waving a bright parasol and tiptoeing.

And when they came to the meadow, the princess sat down upon a bank there and let down her waving locks of hair, which were all of pure gold; and when Curdken saw it glitter in the sun, he ran up, and would have pulled some of the locks out; but she cried "Blow, breezes, blow! Let Curdken's hat go!

But waving details, suffice it to say, that England, France, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Prussia, and Germany, have all and often given their testimony to the competency of the law to abolish slavery.

But, waving this, I deny that the abolition of slavery in the District would violate this clause.

11487 examples of  waving  in sentences