165 examples of weakling in sentences

Again and again the portrait is presented of man preying upon man, of cunning a parasite upon stupidity and of predatory strength enslaving the weakling intellect.

Yet her heart yearned over him, and she would have tended and trained him and loved him better than all the rest of her strong, well-favored brood; but when the elders of her people knew that the child was a weakling, they decreed that he should die, and she bent her head to the law, which was stronger than her love.

"I think there must be something in you of the weakling, you know, something that appeals to the mothering instinct in women.

To him, the young man was still "Mr. Stafford," and he eyed him with an amazed and respectful admiration; for though Stafford had never been a weakling, he had grown so hard and muscular and altogether "fit" that Mr. Groves could not refrain from expressing his approval.

This Land's not the land of the weakling And the men up here know what we need, And we're sick of your bunch from the Outside Who's only incentive is greed.

"But some weakling head, In its after pain, Moaning said, Drink not again.

To have been capable of the kind of action most of his critics would demand of a man, Hamlet must have been the weakling they imagine him.

In his youth he was a weakling, the only one of twelve children who survived infancy; and his unhappy childhood, the tyranny of his father, and the separation from his loved mother, gave to his whole life the stamp of melancholy which is noticeable in all his poems.

Why had he not made Croisset a prisoner, instead of allowing himself to be caged up like a weakling?

So I was scarce sat down when in came a roaring blast, filling even our corner with cold, wet air, that quenched the weakling candle flame.

Jean was a little weakling child, and his mother nursed him at her breast as she sewed the books, sheet by sheet, with the curved needle of the trade.

Here, surely, was a sight to make a weakling tremble.

I have felt it long; we stand, two weakling children, Under too huge a burden, while temptations Like adders swarm up round: I must be led

But now to wash Christ's feet were dangerous honour For weakling grace; would you be humble, daughter, You must look up, not down, and see yourself A paltry atom, sap-transmitting vein Of Christ's vast vine; the pettiest joint and member Of His great body; own no strength, no will, Save that which from the ruling head's command Through me, as nerve, derives; let thyself die And dying, rise again to fuller life.

They found him no weakling, in that first instant, but a deadly, fighting beast, the "Wolf" Darby of the provinces,his finger nails sinking ever deeper into the flesh of Ray's throat, his body braced against Chan's attack.

But poor Theodore is not such a fool, either; he will not die of a snubbing; I never said he was a weakling.

On the other hand, there was a part of my motherher brave cheerfulness, her trust in God, her heroic struggle to keep the home togetherwhich went soaring on beyond my understanding, leaving me a coward weakling, grovelling in the dust.

Weakling of the wild (Hunted riders) by Max Brand, pseud. of Frederick Faust.

Weakling of the wild (Hunted riders)

Weakling of the wild (Hunted riders) by Max Brand, pseud. of Frederick Faust.

She shall know then that at least it is not a coward or a weakling who loves her.

The tears stood in Diego's black eyes when he heard; and Diego was no weakling, but a straight-backed stoic of an Indian, who stood almost as tall as the Señor Jack himself and who could throw a full-grown steer to the ground by twisting its head.

Any remorse which he may have felt at first, for thus acting against his own will and better judgment, and for yielding like a weakling to persuasion, which had no moral rectitude for basis, was momentarily smothered by the almost childish delight of winning, of seeing the pile of gold growing in front of him.

I neither repent nor do I regret; and a fool and a weakling I should be if I did.

I am no weakling, you know, and as you said, I am as proud as yourself.

165 examples of  weakling  in sentences