5 examples of well-acquainted in sentences

With one of these Will. is already well-acquainted, as thou hast heardto mingle liquor is to mingle souls with these fellows; with the other messenger he will soon be acquainted, if he be not already.

They were well-acquainted with the effects of a musket, although not the least alarmed at having one fired off near them.

And, O monarch, I am well-acquainted with the nature of kine, as also with their auspicious marks and other matters relating to them.

Ye king, ye are well-acquainted with the characters of men.

Let the sons of Pandu who are living in disguise be searched after by well-skilled spies in large numbers, devoted to their work, themselves well-disguised, and all well-acquainted with the objects of their search.

5 examples of  well-acquainted  in sentences