148 examples of well-worn in sentences

And when Beltane had handled the well-worn smocks, had viewed the bulging meal-sacks that Walkyn and his fellows brought him, he arose.

But it was admiration of the coldest kind, for even at that moment he was thinking of the girl in the well-worn habit, the girl he loved with a passion that made his slightest thought of her a psalm of worship.

His ruffled shirt of well-worn linen was met at the neck by a modest ruff faded and torn like the shirt, and both sadly in need of washing.

The magic of all music began for her in the sweet, thin notes of the old square piano; the key to fairy land lay hidden somewhere in that shelf of well-worn books.

I'd leave the well-worn lanes of life behind me, And seek to do what men have never done.

Some men there are who never leave the city's well-worn streets; They never know the dangers grim the bold adventurer meets; They never seek a better way nor serve a nobler plan; They never risk with failure to advance the cause of man.

He produced a large and well-worn pocket-book, and took from it a small envelope, which he handed to her.

in use; used &c v.; well-worn, well-trodden. useful &c 644; subservient &c (instrumental) 631.

After his death a well-worn pocket Bible was found in his chamber, in which was written, "R.E. Lee, Lieutenant-Colonel, U.S. Army."

Elder Brewster, with his well-worn Geneva Bible in hand, leads the thanksgiving in words which, though thousands of years old, seem as if written for the occasion of that hour: "Praise the Lord because he is good, for his mercy endureth forever.

Even Patsey, whom I had scarcely noticed since he joined the train, was tossing his well-worn cap in the air, catching it upon the toe of a toeless boot, while executing a lively Irish jig, and exclaiming every time he drew a long breath, "Whoo-o-o-op!

It is simply a special instance of the well-worn "Segnius irritant animos demissa per aurem Quam quae sunt oculis subjecta fidelibus.

It was not quite peep of day, however, when she laid her well-worn family Bible aside.

"I's lookin' at dis h'yar," said Aunt Patsy, turning over the well-worn body of a black woollen dress which lay in her lap, instead of the crazy quilt on which she was usually occupied, "to see if it's done gib way in any ob de seams, or de elbers.

A team of oxen hoists the buckets with a long rope running over a pulley, and every time they make a trip along the well-worn pathway they dump a barrel or more of much needed moisture into a ditch that feeds the thirsty ground.

To Jay this evening was an experiment, an experiment born of weariness of a well-worn road.

If one leaves the few principal streets or roads in Papeete, one walks only on well-worn trails through the thick growth of lantana, guavas, pandanus, wild coffee, and a dozen other trees and bushes.

The old man was seated by the fire with his well-worn pocket Bible in his hands, and turned his face away as Butler entered and clasped the extended hand which had supported his orphan infancy, wept over it, and in vain endeavoured to say more than "God comfort you!

The renewed attention of theological writers to the subject of miracles as an element of proof has led to some important discussions upon it, showing in their treatment of a well-worn inquiry that a change in the way of conducting it had become necessary.

It was well-worn ground to me, but I enjoyed showing the sights to Miss Cullen, for by that time I had come to the conclusion that I had never met a sweeter or jollier girl.

A billiard room, with well-worn cues, balls, and tablequite a novel adjunct to a parsonagemay, in a measure, account for his vigorous sermons.

One well-worn track led down towards the footpath that ultimately enters the London Road; a fainter track led, as I knew, to an old chalk-pit where, in mysterious caverns, the farm carts rested through the winter months.

In order to reach Switzerland, the tourist has many well-worn routes available.

Look!" She was holding in the air, between her thumb and forefinger, a folded bit of well-worn newspaper.

The greater part of this poetry repeats, in another language, the well-worn mannerisms of the troubadours: we find the usual introductory references to the spring or winter seasons, the wounding glances of ladies' eyes, the tyranny of love, the reluctance to be released from his chains and so forth, decked out with complications of stanza form and rime-distribution.

148 examples of  well-worn  in sentences