249 examples of well off in sentences

We'd be as well off there as we are here and just that much nearer the outside.

Mr. Strong laughed too, but said: "You'll be just as well off tumbling around with Kalitan as falling off a glacier or two, as you would be certain to do if you were with me.

What should we do to help these members of our common family, who are not as well off as we are?

Happily, I was very well off with my new masters.

For Margaret would have been more than well off without her profession, even when she had made her début, and she had given up much to be a singer, believing that she knew what she was doing.

He had also inherited considerable money from his mother's relatives in England, so that now the youth was financially well off for one who had started so humbly.

To obtain boots for nothing, and to wear a new pair every week, would make us somewhat better off, but not twice as well off as we were previously.

Adj. prosperous; thriving &c v.; in a fair way, buoyant; well off, well to do, well to do in the world; set up, at one's ease; rich &c 803; in good case; in full, in high feather; fortunate, lucky, in luck; born with a silver spoon in one's mouth, born under a lucky star; on the sunny side of the hedge.

Its chief necessity is to be comfortable and well off; and, in consequence, money is then prized more than ever, because it is a substitute for failing strength.

The plantation of Paltaybamba occupies the best lands in the lower Vilcabamba Valley, but lying, as it does, well off the main highway, visitors are rare and our arrival was the occasion for considerable excitement.

Everybody seemed pleased with the idea except Peter Russet, but arter Sam 'ad told 'im in private wot a high opinion 'is uncle 'ad got of 'im, and 'ow well off he was, 'e gave way.

"He's well off the track of the steamers here," said Riggs, "but he won't delay much longer now, unless he can get in behind the island and then he can take his own time, because he can pick up a sail before he is sighted through the ends of the channel.

"De trouble wid Wellin'ton wuz," she replied, "dat he did n' know when he wuz well off.

The grand bracing air of the Cotswold Hills is a tonic which drives dull care away from these Gloucestershire people; and when it is remembered that they enjoy the freedom of Lord Bathurst's beautiful park, that the neighbourhood is, in spite of agricultural depression, well off in this world's goods, it is not surprising that the pallid cheeks and drooping figures to be met with in most of our towns are conspicuous by their absence here.

" "Well," said Mr. Balch, rising, "you must give us fifteen thousand dollars, and you should think yourself well off then.

The Ass was housed in the stable with plenty of oats and hay to eat and was as well off as an ass could be.

Hester will be well off, no doubt, some day.'

In March she writes: "I ought to consider myself well off, and to be thankful for my good fortune.

James Howard, the stable boy, was just as gentle and pleasant in his way, so I thought myself well off.

Your father is well off.

Well Off and lived in the Fear of the Lord.

I was nothing to look at, was double her age, was only moderately well off and had no special standing either socially or in the world of science.

When he was dying, he was uneasy in his mind about her, as she was not left well off, and I promised to do what I could for herone does not lightly break such a promise, does one?

Before her charge was well off her hands, she was herself attacked by the same malignant disease.

He wished she was as well off as he was, but she had to work in the rice-fields and was 'most broke in two' with labour and exposure and hard work while with child, and hard work just directly after child-bearing; he said she could hardly crawl, and he urged me very much to speak a kind word for her to massa.

249 examples of  well off  in sentences