247750 examples of what in sentences

I think, from what Doctor Waram told me many years later, that the poet must have suffered the violence and terror of that plummet drop, must have felt the tearing clutch of pointed rocks in the wall face, must have known the leaping upward of the earth, the whine of wind in his bursting ears, the dizzy spinning, the rending, obliterating impact at last....

Perhaps what they have always called mean incorrigible poet."

She didn't put no pep into it, if you know what I mean.

What's the sense of stayin' where you ain't no use?

His heart reeled at the thought of what he must tell the child.

"But no classyou know what I mean.

Trees edge it with a fringe of green; poor trees, maimed by the trimmers' saws and shears into twisted caricatures of what a tree should be, because the telegraph wires and telephone wires must pass, and oaks and locusts, pines and maples, must be butchered of their spreading branches to give them room.

" "What's that man doing?" asked Annie alertly.

" "And that's what they are," said Wesley Dean.

" "What about Lady Joanna Farringmore?" said Vera suddenly.

I'll tell you what it is, but not now, not yet.

If there was fewer books in the world, the postman would have an easier life than what he does and no one much worse off than they be nowexcept the clever folks as writes 'em!

damn what anybody thinks about you or anyone else under the sun?

At least we know what we're up against now.

What are you keeping so quiet about?

What did you expect?

You know what Yardley came for?" "No, I don't," she said, looking momentarily startled.

A man may go on for years keeping quiet himselfkeeping out of tumult, religious or politicaland make no discovery of the general current of feeling; but when you are forced to serve your country in any official capacity, and when your eyes are opened to the state of affairs around you, then I allow that an inexperienced observer might well cry out, as my wife did, 'What will become of the world?'

But, as the danger was of an entirely unprecedented character, it is not to be wondered at that I should be completely at a loss to divine what its meaning was.

What strange words to make use of!

When he had taken his seat on the top step, he kept fingering this object,what it was I could not quite make out.

" "Warn him of what, Uncle Julius?" asked my wife.

Though it is impossible to deny that this persistent observer of human chemistry possessed that antique science of the Mages, that is to say, knowledge of the elements in fusion, the causes of life, life antecedent to life, and what it must be in its incubation or ever it is, it must be confessed that, unfortunately, everything in him was purely personal.

As, in Desplein, his glory and science were invulnerable, his enemies attacked his odd moods and his temper, whereas, in fact, he was simply characterized by what the English call eccentricity.

Horace, in short, was one of those friends who are never anxious as to what they may get in return for what they give, feeling sure that they will in their turn get more than they give.

247750 examples of  what  in sentences