38 examples of what the hell in sentences

"What the hell's the matter aboard there?"

What the hell are you men loafing for?

"What the hell did you mean by telling her that I used to be covered with ink when I was a kid?" "My dear Tuppy" "I was almost finickingly careful about my personal cleanliness as a boy.

"What the hell?" said the big man, "ain't you started yet?

"What the hell!

What the hell, I'll show you."

What the hell, Patrick thought, nothing else to do.

What the hell good was he to anybody?

What the hell, even a tie . . .

"What the hell are you lookin' at?" roared the other.

"What the hell's the matter now?" he inquired.

"What the hell!"

They all remained quiet, until McHenry, with an oath, blurted out: "What the hell's the good of all this bloody silence?

"What the hell!

Neither Lorry nor Estelle saw or heard him until his voice, rough with drink and passion, savagely stung them with, "What the hell does this mean?" Lorry dropped Estelle's hand and stood up, Estelle behind him, a restraining hand on his shoulder.

And when there was no answer repeated, "What the hell be you doin', I say?"

What the hell are you doin' here?" Deliberately, soundlessly as he had entered, the newcomer turned.

What the hell ever happened to the old-fashioned love story?

What the hell ever happened to the old-fashioned love story?

"Now what the hell is wrong?" growled Jones tumbling off his saddle.

An' what the hell ha'e I got? A rotten aunt!'

" "Then what the hell did ye mean?" inquired the mystified disciplenot altogether unreasonably.

"What the hell are you doing here?

" "What the hell do you mean, you cur?" "I'll tell you," went on West coldly, determined now to so anger the fellow as to bring the whole matter to a climax, reckless of the consequences.

What the hell's the use?

38 examples of  what the hell  in sentences