33 examples of whenas in sentences

Thou makest darkness, that it may be night, Whenas the savage beasts that fly the light, As conscious of man's hatred, leave their den, And range abroad, secured from sight of men.

For whenas each thing bad thou hast entombed, And last of all thy greedy self consumed, Then long eternity shall greet our bliss With an individual kiss; that cannot be divided And joy shall overtake us as a flood; [eternal.

Whenas St. Francis spake these words to them, those birds began all of them to open their beaks, and stretch their necks, and spread their wings, and reverently bend their heads down to the ground, and by their acts and by their songs to show that the holy Father gave them joy exceeding great.

Whenas St. Francis had made the sign of the cross, right so the terrible wolf shut his jaws and stayed his running: and when he was bid, came gently as a lamb and lay him down at the feet of St. Francis.

Of which whenas I found my selfe in no part worthie, I devised this last slender meanes, both to intimate my humble affection to your Ladiship, and also to make the same universallie knowen to the world; that by honouring you they might know me, and by knowing me they might honor you.

Such as ye wont, whenas those bitter stounds* Of raging love first gan you to torment, And launch your hearts with lamentable wounds 375 Of secret sorrow and sad languishment, Before your loves did take you unto grace; Those now renew, as fitter for this place.

howre 315 From golden Oeta gan proceede withall; Whenas the shepheard after this sharpe stowre**, Seing the doubled shadowes low to fall, Gathering his straying flocke, does homeward fare, And unto rest his wearie ioynts prepare.

Whenas the Ape, beginning well to wey This hard adventure, thus began t'advise: "Now read, Sir Reynold, as ye be right wise, What course ye weene is best for us to take, 115

[Husbands, husbandman's.] Whenas the Ape him hard so much to talke Of labour, that did from his liking balke, He would have slipt the coller handsomly, And to him said: "Good Sir, full glad am I 270 To take what paines may anie living wight: But my late maymed limbs lack wonted might To doo their kindly services, as needeth:

Now whenas time, flying with wingës swift, Expired had the terme that these two iavels [Iavels, worthless fellows.

Of which whenas they feasted had their fill, For a full complement of all their ill, They stole away, and tooke their hastie flight, Carried in clowdes of all-concealing night.

Whither whenas they came they fell at words, Whether of them should be the lords of lords: 1020

that through the ocean wyde By conduct of some star doth make her way, Whenas a storm hath dimd her trusty guyde, Out of her course doth wander far astray, So I, whose star, that wont with her bright ray Me to direct, with cloudes is over-cast, Doe wander now in darknesse and dismay, Through hidden perils round about me plast.

But to the pray whenas he drew more ny, His bloody rage aswaged with remorse,

From the lava and ash ejected from this focus, the whole soils of the island have been formed; soils of still unexhausted fertility, save whenas must needs be in a volcanic regionpatches of mere rapilli and scoriae occur.

Hence are his so austere reprehensions of drinking healths, lascivious talk, usury, and unconscionable dealing; whenas himself, hating the profane mixture of malt and water, will, by his good will, let nothing come within him but the purity of the grape, when he can get it of another's cost.

These are the stings whenas our consciences Are stuf'd and clogd with close-concealed crimes.

Whenas the star-led shining train Wheeled from their task complete, Skyward from over Bethlehem's plain They sped with rapture fleet; And the angel of that orient star, Thenceforth where Heaven's lordliest are, Stands with a harp, while Christ doth reign, A seraph near His feet.

"I been dreadin' dis moment, whenas you firs' see Marse Wes in his anger.

Wait tell he gits one his still spells, whenas he doan' speak ter nobody an' doan' do no work.

Zenas, lak I tol' youman may hab plenty debbilment, rip en t'ar, but he'll stan' back whenas a ooman meks up her min'

Whenas in silks.

Whenas in silks.

To anyone coming from the outside, this angle of the forge would always seem weird and even mysterious even when the furnace was blazing and the sparks flying from the anvil, beneath the smith's powerful blows, or whenas at presentthe fires were extinguished and this part of the shed, innocent of windows, was in absolute darkness.

And to his son Alcides,[042] whenas hee

33 examples of  whenas  in sentences