16 examples of where they have fallen in sentences

The snow was red with their blood, and their bodies lay stiff where they had fallen under the pack.

Now the two midshipmen lay where they had fallen, Jetson lying somewhat across Dave's motionless body.

The stone balustrade of the broad terrace had several gaps in it, and the coping and the pillars were lying where they had fallen; the steps of the terrace had grass growing in the interstices of the stones; one of the lions which had flanked the steps had disappeared, and the remaining one was short of a front leg.

Two corpses, an old man of seventy and a young man of five-and-twenty, lay at the corner of the street on the ground, with uncovered faces, their bodies in a pool of blood, their heads on the pavement where they had fallen.

Somehow they impressed me more than the sight of dead men being hurriedly shoveled under ground on the battle front where they had fallen.

After passing this grand specimen of the architecture of the sea, there appeared long rocky reaches like Egyptian temples,old, dead cliffs of yellowish gray, checked off by lines and seams into squares, and having the resemblance, where they have fallen out into the ocean, of doors and windows opening in upon the fresher stone.

Close by, where they had fallen off a table, were the four massive silver candelabra, the gift of distinguished officers who had formerly served in the corps.

Sawed-Off bumped into him, and Jumbo tripped over Sawed-Off; but B.J. commanded them to be silent so sharply that they paused where they had fallen and listened violently.

Let our brave dead come back from the fields where they have fallen for law and liberty, and if you will follow them to their graves, you will find out what the Broad Church means; the narrow church is sparing of its exclusive formulae over the coffins wrapped in the flag which the fallen heroes had defended!

Where they had fallen were huge round holes, each with a scattered fringe of earth and cobble-stones and broken pavement.

The dead were lying where they had fallen in the dramatic and useless sortie of the day before.

The bodies of the dead lay where they had fallen, on the hill-slope, and in the shallow river; torn by wolf, vulture, and raven, or eaten by fishes.

The others lay where they had fallen, showing as mounds through the smooth white mantle that covered them.

Soon, in the place where they had fallen, there was nothing left but a few light coals, one or two pieces of the vertebral column, fingers, toes, that the fire does not consume, in cases of spontaneous combustion, but which it covers with an infectious and penetrating soot.

That night we buried our dead; one hundred on the field where they had fallen, two hundred and fifty in the burial trenches at Oriskanythirty-five wagon-loads in all.

The three dead vagabonds (perhaps vagrants from the region of Abiquia) remained where they had fallen, one on the stony plain and two on the cap of the butte.

16 examples of  where they have fallen  in sentences