Do we say where or wear

where 115077 occurrences

FORBES, COSMO, pseud. Where the cobra sings, by Cosmo Forbes, pseud. of Harry Sinclair Drago & Val Lewton.

On the rock where Moses stood.

Where shall I be.

DENNEN, LEON. Where the ghetto ends.

Where there's smoke.

HULBERT, ARCHER BUTLER, ed. Where rolls the Oregon; edited with bibliographical resume, 1825-1830.

Where the ends of the Earth Meet.

In 1295 we have the famous Model Parliament; that is to say, the first one where kings, lords, and commons were joined, the legislative branches sitting separately and the Commons represented.

But the conservative old States, like Massachusetts and New Jersey, have still the rule that the legislature sits every year; and the prejudice in favor of the annual legislature goes back at least as far as this law of 1330, where the Commons succeeded in getting a law that Parliament should sit as often as once in a year, and is incorporated in England's and Massachusetts' Bill of Rights.

Every commodity in England had some particular town, where the principal market was for it; just as, with us, the boot and shoe market of the United States is supposed to be in Boston, the money market in New York, beef and hogs in Chicago.

Regrating is narrowed to victuals, alive or dead, and to the reselling them at the fair or market where they were bought or within four miles thereof; and engrossing is given a definition very similar to our "buying of futures."

In fact, the historical origin of the women's suffrage movement was a large abolition meeting held in England, but attended by many women delegates from America, where they excluded a leading American woman abolitionist and would only allow her husband to take her seat in her place.

It is an American doctrine, for in England where the king remained in theory the feudal over-lord, it was not necessary for him or the sovereign Parliament, wishing to take or control land, and having no constitution protecting property rights against such action, to invent any new doctrine; but with us all land is allodial.

Therefore, it is questioned whether land may be taken for national parks or forest reservations except in the Territories, where title still remains with the Federal government.

There is, of course, a tendency to raise the limit, involving frequent constitutional amendment, or, in Massachusetts, for instance, where the limitation is put on only by statutes, by later statutes authorizing the borrowing outside of the debt limit; for it should be said that such limitations do usually apply both to the appropriations and to the funded indebtedness incurred.

Since their repeal, no attempt at a law of government libel has been made; very recently, however, where certain gentlemen, mostly holding important government offices, were charged with having made money out of the Panama Canal purchase, the weight and influence of the administration was given to the attempt to indict them and bring them to the courts of the central government at Washington for trial.

The principle against general warrantsthat is, warrants specifying no definite offence or naming no particular personwas established in Massachusetts in Colony times, and the principle taken over to England and affirmed by Lord Camdenone of the two or three celebrated examples where we have given a new constitutional principle back to the mother country.

This would relegate us to the early state of things where they would simply refuse to answer, so that it may be doubted if, on the whole, we should gain much.

Corporations themselves are never immune; and unless the wicked official actually slept with all the books of the corporation under his pillow, it would be hard to imagine a case where some corporate clerk or subordinate officer could not be subpoenaed to produce the necessary evidence.

For instance, many States have statutes forbidding women or girls to serve liquor in saloons or to wait upon table in restaurants where liquor is served.

No divorce shall be granted for any cause arising prior to the residence of the complainant or defendant in this State, which was not ground for divorce in the State where the cause arose.

After divorce either party may marry again, but in cases where notice has been given by publication only, and the defendant has not appeared, no decree or judgment for divorce shall become final or operative until six months after hearing and decision.

Where a majority of young women live alone and earn their living, the old order must change.

Marriages between near relations, prohibited by the Mosaic law, were invalid by the church law, and became invalid by the secular law at the very late period when it began to have any jurisdiction over the matter, hardly in England half a century ago; in the United States, where we have never had canon law or church courts, the secular law took the Mosaic law from the time of the Massachusetts Body of Liberties (1641).

A legal separation has always been permitted, except, indeed, where that doctrine is interfered with by modern statute; any wife can be freed of a vicious or cruel husband and even compel him to support her while living away from him, but "platform women" are apt to forget this fact.

wear 5805 occurrences

But all the lords of the council kept silence, for a horrible thing it seemed in their eyes that a monk should wear the mantle of a king.

Andanother most significant and striking factthe testator was accustomed to wear upon the third finger of his left handthe very finger that is missing from the remains that were founda most peculiar ring, which fitted so tightly that he was unable to get it off after once putting it on; a ring, gentlemen, of so peculiar a pattern that had it been found on the body must have instantly established the identity of the remains.

I pointed it out to him and he picked it up, and then we all recognised it as a scarab that the testator was accustomed to wear on his watch-chain.

Now, did you ever notice whether he was accustomed to wear any rings upon his fingers?" "He wore upon the third finger of his left hand a copy of an antique ring which bore the device of the Eye of Osiris.

" "Did he wear it constantly?" "Yes, necessarily; because it was too small for him, and having once squeezed it on he was never able to get it off again.

"You have made certain statements," said he, "concerning the scarab which Mr. Bellingham was accustomed to wear suspended from his watch-guard.

"I remember, too, that the demonstrator used to wear a blue apron, which created a sort of impression of a cannibal butcher's shop.

Perhaps you may be able to wear it as you have a small hand, but in any case keep it in remembrance of our friendship.

Not a diadem, but a tiara will I wear, the symbol of universal sovereignty, before which barbarism shall flee away, and happiness be restored once more."

Even if you had allowed him to wear a Pierrot costume, things would not have panned out as they did.

"He don't know me!" said the young man, laughing; "I don't think he'll hunt if I wear these, sir.

She wore a pink dress, he recollectsall children should wear either pink or whiteand her hair was in long, bright curls, and her eyes were diamonds, full of light.

" Redbud replied with a smile: "Yes, I generally wear it; but I was thinking how strange your life was, Verty.

The ex-soldier looked the worse for wear after his jail sentence.

And he would like to them appear, Their garb, but not their cloaths did wear.

For the acting this comedy (says he) those who have the government of the stage have their humours, and would be intreated; and I have mine, and won't entreat them; and were all dramatic writers of my mind, they should wear their old plays thread-bare, er'e they should have any new, till they better understood their own interest, and how to distinguish between good and bad.'

She used to wear pretty clothes and be lively, when she was Minnie Foster, one of the town girls singing in the choir.

All the people wear old and tattered garments, and I could not see a hat, a coat or a pair of pantaloons on the person of one of the hundreds that thronged the market-place all Sunday, that looked as if it had been new at any time within the last few years!

The men as well as the women wear long flowing garments, like those represented in our picture Bibles.

The baker came up piping, and manifestly the worse for wear.

All your cooks and butchers wear a Lorraine cast of expression.

Wear a blue ribbon round your neck, if you want to encourage me.

You said you'd wear a blue ribbon on your neck, and I was to have a rose pinned to my coat.

LITTLE RED CAP Many years ago there lived a dear little girl who was beloved by every one who knew her; but her grand-mother was so very fond of her that she never felt she could think and do enough to please this dear grand-daughter, and she presented the little girl with a red silk cap, which suited her so well, that she would never wear anything else, and so was called Little Red-Cap.

"I have often thought," he observed one day, to Boswell's amusement, "that if I kept a seraglio, the ladies should all wear linen gowns"as more cleanly.

Do we say   where   or  wear