4 examples of whis in sentences

He em-bra-ced her, and whis-per-ed in-to her ear his firm resolve to start out in-to the world, and seek for la-bour, that he might no long-er be a bur-then to her.

But see, they have found a snug shel-ter at last, And hark, how they talk, while the storm whis-tles past: Says Pol-ly to Dick-y, "You're near-est the door,

" "The pop | -lars are fell'd, | farewell | to the shade, And the whis | -pering sound | of the cool | colonnade; The winds | play no lon | -ger and sing | in the leaves,

He's wrapped to the heels in a snow-y white sack; The trees he has lad-en till read-y to crack; He whis-tles his trills with a won-der-ful knack, For he comes from a cold coun-tree.

4 examples of  whis  in sentences