Do we say who or s

who 292406 occurrences

The man who killed Lincoln, & pamphlet entitled Afterword.

Fables for our time, IV: The bear who let it alone; The owl who was God; The sheep in wolf's clothing.

Fables for our time, IV: The bear who let it alone; The owl who was God; The sheep in wolf's clothing.

WITTKE, CARL. We who built America; the saga of the immigrant.

Almost no attention was paid to conserving the soil by rotation of crops, and even those few planters who attempted anything of the sort followed the old plan of allowing fields to lie in a naked fallow and to grow up in noxious weeds instead of raising a cover crop such as clover.

Show me the happy man whose life exhibits these qualities, and him will we salute as gentleman, whatever his rank may be; show me the prince who possesses them, and he may be sure of our love and loyalty.

Any American farmer of the present who has a problem in his head can have it solved by writing to the nearest government experiment station, a good farm paper, an agricultural college, the department of agriculture, or in some favored districts by consulting the local county "agent."

Those who owe me money cannot or will not pay it without suits, and to sue is to do nothing; whilst my expenses, not from any extravagance, or an inclination on my part to live splendidly, but for the absolute support of my family and the visitors who are constantly here, are exceedingly high.

Those who owe me money cannot or will not pay it without suits, and to sue is to do nothing; whilst my expenses, not from any extravagance, or an inclination on my part to live splendidly, but for the absolute support of my family and the visitors who are constantly here, are exceedingly high.

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We had a ploughboy, Dick, who sometimes came into our field to pluck blackberries from the hedge.

My master sent me for a fortnight to a neighboring farmer's, who had a meadow which was skirted on one side by the railway.

It was early in May, when there came a man from Gordon's, who took me away to the Hall.

" [Illustration] "I beg your pardon," I said, "I have turned no one out; the man who brought me put me here, and I had nothing to do with it.

One day she bit James in the arm and made it bleed, and so Miss Flora and Miss Jessie, who are very fond of me, were afraid to come into the stable.

"That's no wonder," said John; "didn't you know that Farmer Grey's old Duchess was the mother of them both?" I had never heard that before; and so poor Rob Roy who was killed at that hunt was my brother!

The gardener who lived at the lodge had heard the bell ring, and was ready with the gate open, and away we went through the park, and through the village, and down the hill till we came to the toll-gate.

I was very miserable, and felt much inclined to kick the first person who came near me.

I was at a dealer's once, who was training me and another horse to go as a pair; he was getting our heads up, and he said, a little higher and a little higher every day.

One or two more came who did not mean business.

" The man who had brought me for sale now put in his word.

In this shrewd way the train-boy was better off than 'he who runs may read,' for he had read, and could shout while running: 'All about the big battle!'

"Why don't some of you smarties who talk so much about the wonderful things you can do make yourselves receiving sets!

He had to read to find out things; there seemed to be no one who could tell him the half that he wanted to know, and I guess a lot of people got pretty tired of having him ask so many questions they couldn't answer.

An American gentleman traveling in the East met a Brahmin priest, who refused to shake hands with him for fear of pollution.

s 2701 occurrences

s Bank Holiday.

He gave S a purple everlasting flower, which will endure a great many years, as a memento of our visit to Eaton Hall.

Happy are the shes that can number among their ancestors Counts of the Empire; they have neither occasion for beauty, money, or good conduct to get them husbands."

He compares the noise of a tremendous battle heard in the neighbourhood to the sound of the cataracts of the Nile: "un alto suon ch' a quel s' accorda Con che

s, particularly poets, as heralds of their fame, and consequently the special fitness of the illustrious and superexcellent poet Lodovico Ariosto for receiving from Alfonso Davallos, Marquess of Vasto, the irrevocable sum of, &c. &c. Panizzi has copied the substance of it from Baruffaldi, vol.

Every one of Shelley s words is always worth consideration; but handwritings are surely equivocal testimonies of character; they depend so much on education, on times and seasons and moods, conscious and unconscious wills, &c.

[Footnote 39: "In casa mia mi sa meglio una rapa Ch'io cuoca, e cotta s' un stecco m' inforco, E mondo, e spargo poi di aceto e sapa, Che all'altrui mensa tordo, starno, o porco Selvaggio."]

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Thanne the sone bryngethe hoom with him alle his kyn, and his frendes, and alle the othere to his hows, and makethe hem a gret feste.

lineament feature trait lines; outline, outside; contour, face, countenance, physiognomy, visage, phiz., cast of countenance, profile, tournure^, cut of one s jib, metoposcopy^; outside &c 220.

My bloud beginnes to boyle; I could be pleasd To have this fellow by the eares but that Theres many of my betters heere in place.

Theres my shield.

In my first hasty reading of the play I took the long double "s" to be a double "f": the character is "La Busse." Mr. C.H. Herford, to whom I showed the MS., writes as follows:

It is not always easy to distinguish between final "s" and "e" in the MS.


j k l m n o p q r s t u v

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The last was a S; Swubble I named him.

á su amigo que le quiere Gustavo Becquer Espresiones á Pepe Marco S/c Calle de San Ildefonso Toledo.

Final s and final n, especially in the plural of nouns and in verbs, do not count.

A and B] theres your way.

AE] Theres not. l. 21.

The country has also been called Atyria in the language of the barbarians, the double S being changed to T).

The native can't say any word beginning with s without putting a y before it, thusy-spice beef, y-street.

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Do we say   who   or  s