54146 examples of why in sentences

" "But you didn't?" "Why, no, I couldn't," she said, surprised.

"Why are you frightened?"

" "Will you tell me why?" She had turned to go; now she hesitated, silent, irresolute.

"Before I answer that," she said, "I demand to know why you refused to marry me.

"Why don't you go to her?"

Why did he do it?

And Ithat is why I didn't run in battle. . . .

He ate obediently; later he submitted to the razor and clothes brush, absently pondering the problem that obsessed him: "Why had Hallam spared Letty; how could he convey the truth to Ailsa Paige?" At dusk he reported to the ward-master; but Colonel Arran was asleep, and there were no orders for him.

That is why I did not mention it.

Why, then, does a flying man so little amaze us?

It is easy to see why this must be so.

Why?" "Here's something a friend of mine gave me," said Bob, pulling out the wrinkled piece of parchment.

"Why, when the sea goes down we can leave the island in her.

"Why did you let me go overboard?"

"Why, I'm awful hungry!"

"Why then," says I, "thou hadst as good be hanged by a Cavalier as a Roundhead, for if thou wilt not go, I'll hang thee just now."

" Jonas had two good reasons why he wanted to have only one writing-book for all his scholars.

" "Why?" said Jonas.

"Why, because," said Oliver, "I suppose he would touch the machinery, and perhaps get his hands torn off.

"Why, in the first place," said Jonas, "he lives, I'm told, in a large and handsome house.

"Why, a great many rich men's boys find, when they get to be twenty-one, that they have to go out into the world, and earn their own living, without any money.

Jonas wondered why he left his work before the tree fell.

He was so intent upon this amusement, that at first he did not see Jonas; but, presently, looking up, his eye suddenly caught a view of Jonas, coming, and he instantly dropped his pole, and ran towards him, shouting, "Jonas!" "Why, Rollo!"

" "Oliver?" said Rollo, "who is Oliver?" "Why, don't you know Oliver?" said Jonas.

"Why, I left it out here a little way.

54146 examples of  why  in sentences