158 examples of wide-eyed in sentences

"Lorrd love ye! ye're a jool, Nich'las!" screamed O'Flynn; and the mucklucks passed from one to the other so surreptitiously that for all Kaviak's wide-eyed watchfulness he detected nothing.

"Laura, what did you do that for?" "You don't mind, do you?" queried Laura, wide-eyed.

For a long time the girls lay wide-eyed and quiet, but gradually the law of nature asserted itself.

At last, whenas his sobs had ceased, he lifted his wretched head and stared in wide-eyed wonder to see Beltane upon his knees, his mailed hands clasped and his lips moving in silent prayer; when, his prayer ended, he raised his head and straightway Roger's wonder grew, for behold!

Wide-eyed, silent-footed, he was ever about.

It goes in slick!" He stopped, seeing that Mamie was regarding him with wide-eyed horror and consternation.

The Sergeant stopped short, and stared at Bellew wide-eyed.

"How!" exclaimed a wide-eyed auditor; "upholds the earth?

Cissie gave Peter a single wide-eyed glance, and then attempted to ignore the bodiless comment.

" Paredes looked up, wide-eyed.

Stunned by the wonder she gazed, wide-eyed, as the glory departed.

She found herself sitting wide-eyed on the edge of the bed repeating over and over in a shaking voice "I have to get there!

For eighteen hours she had been a keenly attentive, wide-eyed, and partly frightened bit of humanity in this onrush of "the horde."

Josie, a tense, wide-eyed, frightened little figure, stood in the centre of the vast room, listening to she knew not what.

She was staring at him with that dazed and wide-eyed look of one upon whom a great truth has just dawned.

" Terry sat staring at her with a wide-eyed stare, like a sleep walker.

And the driving force gripped Robin's soul afresh as he lay wide-eyed to the smothering gloom of the night.

But the women laughed and wept for joy as they crowded about their deliverer; and wide-eyed children stared at him in a friendly way, understanding but little of it all except that the newcomer was a desirable person.

Wide-eyed and sick, she made her way to the railing, and, clinging to the vines, stared for she knew not how long at the dull red glow on the mountain.

Markham broke in, wide-eyed.

The monk looked at him in wide-eyed wonder.

That pale, mystic Elizabeth of Tannhäuser had been taken in Milan; that ideal, romantic Elsa of Lohengrin, in Munich; here was a wide-eyed, bourgeois Eva from die Meistersinger, photographed in Vienna; there a proud arrogant Brunhilde, with hostile, flashing eyes, that bore the imprint of St. Petersburg.

Wide-eyed and restless, Claire Robson felt a sudden pity for her father.

Here a dozen men were proving something; there another group were controverting it; while twice as many listened, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, or in their turn dashed into the babel.

And he, his heart in a grip of ice, the frozen flesh a-crawl with terror upon his loosened bones, white-lipped and wide-eyed with frantic fear, uttered a yell of horror as he dashed the spurs into his panic-stricken horse, in a mad endeavor to escape from the Awful Presence that filled all earth and sky from edge to edge of vision.

158 examples of  wide-eyed  in sentences