1569 examples of wildly in sentences

And he looked so wildly, that I was a good deal terrifiedLet us what, Madam?

She ran wildly out of the house into the dark, rainy street, past her husband's church, past the white wall of Sören Kule's dwelling.

And now she looked at me wildly, almost with terror.

[The Sailors talk together excitedly and gesticulate wildly.

Why not ring up and enquire about his health?" Dredlinton stared a little wildly at the speaker.

And as they turned to dash wildly away and that second shot came, they became madly excited, evidently under the full belief that they were being made targets for a whole battalion of sharpshooters.

Two of them collided, and rolled over on the grass, kicking wildly and scrambling to their feet again, to resume their flight toward the fence, which doubtless seemed three times as distant as when they were creeping toward the stranded aeroplane.

In his excitement he shook hands wildly with his companions.

It fluctuated wildly, going up and down hundreds of points.

Looks around wildly, goes to the trap-door, finds it locked)

At another, he looked wildly, and asked if I meant to take the captain's part, and to kill him.

She had a desire to laugh loudly and wildly, and by so doing to snap the nervous tension, which seemed to grow tighter and tighter every minute.

In distant trills it echoes o'er the tide; Now meets mine ear with warbles wildly free, As swells the lark's meridian extacy.

She went away gesticulating wildly, and vowing vengeance on Lord Pharanx and all the world.

At this crisis, in an epoch overburdened with science, disquieted at the ruins it has made, and seized with fright in the face of the new century, wildly desiring to stop and to return to the past, Clotilde kept the happy mean; in her the passion for truth was broadened by her eagerness to penetrate the Unknown.

I've fallen wildly in love with Lyubóv Gordéyevna. GÚSLIN.

He waved his brand wildly, and sniffs turned to snarls; but the panting brutes refused to scatter.

he cried, as he scrambled wildly for footing.

He waved his arms about, wildly flagellating the air, his body writhing and twisting in torment.

She never woke from this dream but her heart was beating wildly.

A classical example of this principle is (once more) the Oedipus Rex, in which several of the initial postulates are wildly improbable: for instance, that Oedipus should never have inquired into the circumstances of the death of Laius, and that, having been warned by an oracle that he was doomed to marry his mother, he should not have been careful, before marrying any woman, to ascertain that she was younger than himself.

It made a ghastly sight, the bloodless face with the black hair fallen wildly across the forehead, the mouth loosely open, and the lips black with dust.

There are episodes in Summerfor example the Fourth of July firework evening, or the wildly macabre scene of the night funeral on the mountainthat seem to me to come as near perfection in their telling as anything I am ever likely to read, and when you have enjoyed them for yourself I fancy you will be inclined to join me in very sincere gratitude for work of such rare quality.

and the wail of the distracted widower rang suddenly and wildly through the cottage, startling his infants from their slumber, and, as some who stood round the bed said, causing even the features of the dead to move, as though the departed spirit had lingered, casting a farewell glance upon the body, and passed over it again, as the voice it had loved to hear rose loud in agony.

Something seemed to tell him that he was within reach of the fruition of desires which, even in his most confident moments, had appeared till now wildly out of any possibility of attainment.

1569 examples of  wildly  in sentences