633 examples of wilkins in sentences

The following was the copy of verses printed in The Athenaeum, December 21, 1833 ("that most romantic tale" was Peter Wilkins): TO T. STOTHARD, ESQ.

"My name is Sara Wilkins," she replied in a clear precise voice, which matched her personality; "but I must tell you that I am not a Native Daughter, and have not engaged a room.

Miss Wilkins looked at Angela with her intelligent gray eyes.

"Well, I will take the room, then, and I will like it, too," returned Miss Wilkins.

They had both forgotten Miss Sara Wilkins, who had "stopped off" at Santa Barbara because all her life she had wanted to see the place.

" C.W. Wilkins, sheriff Baldwin Co, Ala, is the "Mobile Advertiser;" Sept. 24, 1837.

Wilkins was not what one would call an attractive man, and none of the young women of Dumfries Corners who had met him had ever manifested anything but a pronounced aversion to his society.

" For Wilkins's sake I am very sorry to say that this feeling towards him was invariable.

I really believe that Wilkins could have carried on a Platonic love affair with an auburn-haired girl for ten weeks without an effort, he was so terribly good, which did not at all contribute to his popularity.

I never saw such a man!" I have mentioned all these details for the purpose of indicating how unpopular Wilkins was and how it was that he had become so, for with this knowledge the reader will share the surprise which we all felt when Wilkins suddenly blossomed forth as the most popular man of Dumfries Corners.

But when Araminta and Fiametta on a sudden, just after the leap-year dance, wholly, and, as we thought, basely, deserted us for that emblem of conscious rectitude, Sam Wilkins, a man whose eye couldn't learn to twinkle in a thousand years, a mere human iceberg, then it was that we were astounded.

The conversion of the girls of Dumfries Corners to Wilkins was as complete, as comprehensive, as it was startling to the men.

Besides, we each had a feeling that two could play at this Wilkins game, and I had made up my mind that if Araminta could so easily find a substitute for me I, with my twinkle, could as speedily replace her.

"Sam Wilkins," she replied.

" That was the way Wilkins affected us.

The girls had not loved us less, or Wilkins more, but they had resolved to keep Lent with unusual rigor this year.

SEE Lewis, Ethelreda. WILKINS, ALICE.

Illustrated by Ralph Wilkins.

Illustrated by R. C. Wilkins.

© 29May25, A855633. R110140, 10Apr53, Haldeman-Julius Co. (PWH) WILKINS, LAWRENCE A. Achievement teat in Spanish.

R109485, 27Mar53, Opal Wilkins Gray (W) New first Spanish book.

R109471, 27Mar53, Opal Wilkins Gray (W) WILLIAMS, A. The At-a-glance ukulele and ukule

The best stories of Mary E. Wilkins.


Jan the romantic; with drawings by Ralph B. Wilkins.

633 examples of  wilkins  in sentences