478 examples of winced in sentences

"In the trenches taken by storm the English dead lie in rows, just like men who had not winced or yielded before the bayonets of the stormers.

George Steadman winced at her words.

Pearl winced a little when she recalled Mrs. Crock's words when she came through Millford on her way to Purple Springs: "The doctor should be the candidate, but I guess Miss Keith won't let him.

"If any of you fellows catch me in the sulks hereafter," spoke up Jetson, though he winced as he said it, "I hope the man who catches me will do me the very great favor of passing me a few sound kicks before others have a chance to catch me to the bad.

The very mustang winced from this mountain of a man who came with a long, sweeping, springing stride.

But as he raised the great arm and put his hand behind his head, the sheriff winced back a little.

" "Tied down?" thought Bull Hunter, and he winced.

" He winced as though he had been struck, and looked at her with eyes momentarily wild.

It is tonight or never, Pertinax!" He winced.

"II guess I can do it," but he winced with pain as he accidentally hit his foot on the stone.

He imagined he didn't figure to advantage in the story, and he winced when I mentioned certain events, although I always insisted that he was the bravest man among us, having a better realization of the odds against us.

" Van Bibber gave a little start, and winced visibly, but turned it off into a cough.

" The cowpuncher was aware that the other stirrednot much, but as if he winced from a drop of cold water; he felt that he was close on the trail of the real reason why the Easterner wished to see Drew.

" Once more Drew winced.

" Drew winced and caught his breath so sharply that the others stared at him.

" "Philip Lambert, did you ever see Carlotta cry?" Phil winced.

Dick winced at that.

" Dick winced.

Now, Mr. Stevens, people disposed to be suspicionsseeing how much you were to be the gainer by his removal, and knowing you had some connection with this mobmight not scruple to say that you instigated the attack by which he lost his life; and I put it to younow don't you think that, if it was any one else, you would say that the thing looked suspicious?" Mr. Stevens winced at this, but made no effort to reply.

" Stevens winced at this, and asked, "What would you consider a fair offer?

Professor Marshall meditated a moment, and went on, "Of course I'm proud of my little daughters for being kind to friends who are unhappy through no fault of theirs" (Sylvia winced at this, and thought of confessing that she was very near running away and leaving Camilla to her fate), "and I hope you'll go on being as nice to your unfortunate friends as ever" Judith said: "They aren't friends of mine!

With your apishness and absurdity however you have taught me one thing; and, whereas before I have winced at them with torture, I am now as tough as an elephant.

[Marian winced.]

" Ranger winced.

" Adelaide winced.

478 examples of  winced  in sentences