14 examples of wire-draw in sentences

If the crowd had been expectant before, it was now reduced to wire-drawn tenseness.

Tense, nerves wire-drawn, Racey and Mr. Saltoun awaited the decision.

By one touch of nature and observation they paint a scene more truly, than their successors are able to do in whole wire-drawn pages.

Adj. filamentous, filamentiferous^, filaceous^, filiform^; fibrous, fibrillous^; thread-like, wiry, stringy, ropy; capillary, capilliform^; funicular, wire-drawn; anguilliform^; flagelliform^; hairy &c (rough) 256; taeniate^, taeniform^, taenioid^; venose^, venous.

Only thus much I would require, honesty in every physician, that he be not over-careless or covetous, harpy-like to make a prey of his patient; Carnificis namque est (as [2850]Wecker notes) inter ipsos cruciatus ingens precium exposcere, as a hungry chirurgeon often produces and wire-draws his cure, so long as there is any hope of pay, Non missura cutem, nisi plena cruoris hirudo.

" In the tap-room sat a lean, wire-drawn-looking youth, with sloping shoulders and a thin face, and by his side was a rather short, thick-set man, who had an odd air, no matter what he did, of proprietorship and surveillance of the lean youth.

Emotion and tragic passion give way to wire-drawn sentiment.

" The barrister in green listened to the somewhat wire-drawn deductions of Homespun with great attention notwithstanding the confused and obscure manner in which they were delivered by the aspiring tradesman.

His view of the gentleman, therefore, is a perfect tissue of cobwebsa jumble of half-way sorrows, and wire-drawn charities, and hair-breadth 'scapes from utter damnation, and sudden platitudes of generosityfit, all of it, to make an angel curse!

Assuredly her period of probation was a bitter one, and it may be doubted whether the axe of our own eighth Henry were not after all more merciful in reality than the wire-drawn and daily-recurring torture to which his namesake of France subjected the haughty and high-spirited woman who was fated to find herself the victim of his vices.

The lines begin imperfectly, as I may probably connect 'em if I finish at all: and if I do, Biggs shall print 'em (in a more economical way than you yours), for, Sonnets and all, they won't make a thousand lines as I propose completing 'em, and the substance must be wire-drawn.

Dubois, born in the very lowest position, and endowed with a soul worthy of his origin, was "a little, lean man, wire-drawn, with a light colored wig, the look of a weasel, a clever expression," says St. Simon, who detested him; "all vices struggled within him for the mastery; they kept up a constant hubbub and strife together.

They should study the word of truth without prejudice and any sinful pre-engagement, lest they be made thereby to wire-draw and wrest the word to their own destruction, as some of whom Peter speaketh, 2 Pet. iii. 16.

It is a dangerous thing to study the word with a prejudicate opinion; and to bow or wire-draw the word and make it speak what we would have it speak, for the confirmation of our opinions and sentiments.

14 examples of  wire-draw  in sentences