24 examples of wite in sentences

Wite ye nat wher ther stant a litel town Which that y-cleped is Bop-up-and-down Under the Blee in Caunterbury weye?

"Mister Lanyard sed as 'ow 'e might be quite lite, but 'e'd 'urry all 'e could, ma'am, and would the lidy please wite.

A creature hopelessly commonplace, resigned, and unemotional, to her enquiry for Monsieur Lanyard he returned the discounted response: Mister Lanyard was hout, 'e might not be 'ome till quite lite, but 'ad left word that if a lidy called she was to be awsked to wite.

The princess indicating her desire to wite, the man turned to the nearest door (Lanyard's rooms were on the street level), opened it with a pass-key, stepped inside to make a light, and when Sofia entered silently bowed himself out.

But besides the prelates and aldermen, there is also mention of the Wites, or Wise-men, as a component part of the Wittenagemot; but who THESE were, is not so clearly ascertained by the laws or the history of that period.

Our monarchical faction maintain, that these WITES, or SAPIENTES, were the judges, or men learned in the law; the popular faction assert them to be representatives of the boroughs, or what we now call the Commons.

Of the Envious MAN and the MISER. Of Jupiter thus I find ywrite, How, whilom, that he woulde wite, Upon the plaintes, which he herde Among the men, how that it farde, As of her wronge condition To do justificacion.

"Most ob dese wite ladies look jest alike to me.

The boy wites wemarkably well, and will, no doubt, suit us exactly.

Wite The bones were placed in a new reliquary and again deposited within the restored shrine.

Spec' if I'd been a runaway de wite folks dere take care o' me; but I couldn't git anythin' to do, so I jis borrow ten dollar of my broder an' cum back to old Virginny."

" "Na, na, od wite it!

"And, Peter, she hes teeny little hands, as wite as snow, like that woman in the picter ma got off of the tea.

It's reel wite, and pinky round here.

Well may iche man wite therfore That tway men her han hodde in bower: That is hir bothe dishonour!"

" "It's true," said Aaron, "and yours is the wite.

A wicked wite man's bad snuff, dur Lord nose!

but dey so dam wite, an so kussed sarcy, day doun no no better, so dar's some appolleragee fur 'em; but I gin yer for th noe as how, a wicked nigger can nibber scape frum de vengence ob de Lord-day's no use playin possum any more dan day was ob Joner coorin it into de wale's belly!

yar'll turn up de wite ob yer eyes!

W'y wunst, one time when we wuz there, <i>We et out on the porch!</i> Wite where the cellar door wuz shut The table wuz; an' I Let aunty set by me an' cut My wittles upan' pie.

An' a old red head flew Purt' nigh wite over my high chair, <i>When we et out on the porch!</i> CHAPTER IX.

And let every one forego my hunting: take notice where I will have it untrespaesed on under penalty of the full 'wite.'

Ef Miss Polly Allen gits de 'state (she was my mistis's born full-sister, an' a mity fine ole maid, I tells you, chile!), wy, den Sabra'll be found to be no ghose; fur it's easier to lib wid good wite folks Souf dan Norf.

He's one ob dem young wite sort wat lubs de card-table, an' don't scriminate atween ole an' young folks.

24 examples of  wite  in sentences