214 examples of within an hour in sentences

" Within an hour all was ready, but they could not set out until the next morning, when, by eight o'clock, the three ladies were en route.

We were certain within an hour after we sighted an aeroplane to get the howitzers among us.

We sailed along pretty well for a time, when the wind suddenly changed, and the boatman told us we could not get to Vostizza that night, but added they would put us on shore where we should be within an hour's walk of it, and that we could readily find a mule to carry our baggage.

Within an hour of Dick's departure, Mr. Carteret was walking through the old mission church, chatting with my brother Ajax.

The whole shape of the lake has changed within an hour!" Barney shut off the engines.

He put his mouth close to my ear and said: 'There is some strange leading hand has brought us home at last, and I had rather drown on Moonfleet Beach than live in prison any more, and drown we must within an hour.

I remember noticing the bay as it grew cleaner, and thinking that I would break off swearing; and I remember cursing Bob Smart like a pirate within an hour.

In any case it seemed useless to stay longer, and within an hour, on a tug jammed with the last refugees, we were starting down-stream.

Let us conjure up a few old reminiscences of one,a silent, primitive little nook of the North, within an hour's ride of Quebec, but too insignificant a spot for the coveted distinction of a royal visit.

He was confined there that night; but the news had spread so rapidly that within an hour after his arrival a hundred persons had collected, and the excitement became so intense "that it was with difficulty he could be conveyed alive to Jerusalem."

You shall be shot within an hour, and as for your father, he shall be taken to Gallipoli within the week, and if he survives the fire of your own warships, I shall find other means of dealing with him.'

But in spite of the horror of invasion, French railway officials showed an extraordinary sang-froid and maintained their service, even when they knew that their lines might be cut, and their stations captured, within an hour or two.

So I went, leaving no message for you or for my husband, feeling so sure of my return within an hour or two.

It was within an hour of sunset, and the long shadows had fallen upon the waters; a broad boat, with a variegated awning, rowed by two men, approached the steps of a marble terrace.

"A detail of two companies of the Twelfth Cavalry, under the command of Captain Singer, is ordered to Ash Fork, and will start within an hour, arriving at five o'clock.

Within an hour I had received a reply, in which Mr. Choate said that he would see me at his home at ten o'clock the next morning.

Thousands went to California, in '49 and '50, with the impression that the gold mines lay within an hour's walk of San Francisco.

So it came to pass that Manuel saddled his best mustang within an hour and rode away to the north.

What does he say?" "There are no extrasLeon doesn't seem over-alarmed, though as captain in the reserves he would have to leave within an hour after any declaration of hostilities.

Within an hour after he left the platform Mr. Mills had been engaged by a dozen state presidents to lecture to clubs and federations.

A courier had reached us with an emergency order, which put every man in the saddle within an hour after its receipt.

When within an hour's ride of the prisonhis living gravehe raised his ironed hands, and twisting from a blue flannel shirt which he wore a large pearl button, said to the officer in charge: "Will you please take this button back and give it, with my compliments, to that human bloodhound, and say to him that I'm sorry that I didn't anticipate meeting him?

" "We can do that within an hour.

The sun, which had been tinging the western sky with gorgeous hues, was peering from among masses of purple and golden clouds, within an hour's space of the horizon.

No, I must forego even the sweet satisfaction of saying farewell to Mabel; we must part perhaps forever, as we might meet again within an hour, and all her distress and anxiety must pass unshared and unheeded.

214 examples of  within an hour  in sentences