9 examples of wolf-man in sentences

It might indeed be further shown, that the latter have their temporary transformations of men into alligators, wolves, and the like, as the French have their loups-garoux, the Germans their war-wolves, wolf-men, and the rest.

In Kosters's travels in Brazil, we read of a negro who was reported by one of his fellows to become occasionally lobas homen or wolf-man.

" "You don't mean you're going up there alone to bring back thatthat wolf-man?" "Oh, no," the trooper answered lightly.

First the dark wolf-man, Lycaon; then 'twas he men called The Swan; And now this man of steeds!...

By EDISON MARSHALL AUTHOR OF "The Voice of the Pack," "The Strength of the Pines," "The Snowshoe Trail," "Shepherds of the Wild," etc. 1922 CONTENTS PART ONE THE WAKENING PART TWO THE WOLF-MAN PART THREE THE TAMING PART ONE


THE WOLF-MAN There was once a man who had two bad wives.

Buck felt the old chill which never left him when he saw the fierce game of the wolf and the wolf-man.

To close with this devil, this wolf-man, to set his big fingers in the smooth, almost girlish throat, to choke the yellow light out of those eyesor else to die, but like a man proving his manhood before the girl.

9 examples of  wolf-man  in sentences