1603 examples of wonder at in sentences

And then we wonder at the propensities of the "lower classes."

"No. I don't wonder at that; but if it is strange to you, Phil, think how much more strange to me!

He wrote to his father in 1772 about his younger brother John (afterwards Lord Eldon), who had just made a run-away match:'The business in which I am engaged is so extremely disagreeable in itself, and so destructive to health (if carried on with such success as can render it at all considerable in point of profit) that I do not wonder at his unwillingness to succeed me in it.'

Who can wonder at the degeneracy of the clergy when they held their cures at the hands of lay patrons, to whom they swore allegiance for the temporalities of their benefices?

One is lost in wonder at the genius of the actors who could infuse life and passion into those masterpieces of turgid conventionality.

He talked and talked, and the astonishment of his hearers grew greater and greater; but when he came to the royal lackey and the beautiful book, all the dairymaids dropped their needle-work and sat staring at Clement in open-eyed wonder at his marvellous experiences.

When I returned to the prince, I expressed to him my wonder at the rare beauty of his young wife, and asked him what country was the cradle of this true angel.

Dicey says thet half the time she's afeerd to step around her cook-stove less'n she'll step on some critter thet's crawled back to life where he's put it under the stove to hatch or thaw out, which she bein' bare-feeted, I don't wonder at.

As I look back now, and think of the oddity of the situation, I rather wonder at my own self-possession.

The rudest exhibition of art is at first admired, till a nobler is presented, and we are taught to wonder at the facility with which before we had been satisfied.

"I am filled with ever fresh wonder at this amazing power," she said.

And while small harm has ever come from humoring one's mother, yet I wonder at you, Manuel, that you should sit here sleeping in the sunlight among your pigs, and be giving your young time to improbable sculpture and stagnant water, when there is such a fine adventure awaiting you, and when the Norns are foretelling such high things about you as they spin the thread of your living.

He found the Queen there, alone, as nowadays she was for the most part, and he paused to wonder at her bright and singular beauty.

You've called it yinder wonder at every rehearsal we've had so far.

Sir, said he, you may wonder at my business, having never seen me in your life; but tho' I am a stranger, I have something to tell you that very nearly concerns you: & indeed it is the imminent danger you are in has moved me to give you this timely notice.

Great is my wonder at the sight of all these excellent objects.'

She did not wonder at anything except at herself, who had missed so much and fallen into such depths of woe.

" "I don't wonder at it," said his wife, trembling furiously.

"Dear Miss Ellen Terry, "I just wonder at you.

" After this outburst the man slept gently on, while the little girl still held the parasol aloft and looked down with a great wonder at the frowsy, unkempt creature, trying to reconcile it with the little part of life that she knew.

In the midst of the Abbé's wonder at this apparent rudeness, their mother entered the room, and the mystery was at once explained.

But even as she wept, by one of those strange movements of our being which those who have been quickest to question them wonder at the most, it flashed upon her where she had seen the lady that came from Mr. Drew's house, and her heart sunk within her, for the place was associated with that portion of her history which of all she would most gladly hide from herself.

* Arrived at the summit of the hill, commanding such extensively charming views, Jocelyn halted and looked back with wonder at the vast and populous city he had just quitted, now spread out before him in all its splendour and beauty.

But I must leave you now; your mamma will wonder at our being thus closeted together.

"You can't bear to be found fault with, Easton," said he, craftily, "and I don't wonder at it, after fourteen years' fidelity to me.

1603 examples of  wonder at  in sentences