21295 examples of wore in sentences

Lean and shriveled as an opium-smoker, he wore loose clothes of dirty blue,one trousers-leg rolled up.

The brown face, thin and comically small, wore a mask of inky shadow under a wicker bowl hat.

And she would be sure to open the round gold locket she wore upon a tiny gold chain about her neck and tell them it was "my papa who died in California.

" Marjorie was mending the elbow of her brown school dress; she wore that dress in all weathers every day, and on rainy Sundays.

She forgot that she wore the same dress every day until one of the dressy little things in the primary class reminded her of the fact.

Hollis wore those brown kid gloves, and there was the anchor dangling from his black chain.

Kissing the ring with loving and reverent lips, she slipped it on the finger that Morris would have chosen, the finger on which Linnet wore her wedding ring.

The young men wore checkered suits and sported heavy watch fobs and diamond rings and scarf-pins.

The elder Miss Eubanks decried the mannishness of cane-bearing; and Mrs. Westley Keyts, entering the shop as Miss Caroline was bowed out, declared that her silk stockings were of a hue hardly respectable, and that she wore shoes "twice too small for her.

Miss Eubanks had made sure that the ladies wore their white ribbons.

White shoes, silk stockings that matched and through which glowed the faint pink of firm, healthy, young flesh, lent charm to the costume she wore.

As they looked, Skinny and Old Heck instinctively, a bit awkwardly perhaps, removed the Stetsons they wore on their heads.

This is the first time I ever wore this shirt," he went on, feeling that a bit of explanation was entirely proper and would probably help in restoring the composure of Carolyn June and the widow.

Parked next to the Clagstone "Six" was a handsome touring car, occupied by a party consisting of a girl about Carolyn June's own age, a woman a few years older and a couple of immaculately dressed young men who wore flaring brimmed black felt hats that contrasted absurdly with their expensively tailored suits.

But Skinny wore it, declaring he liked it betterthat it more nearly matched the shamrock tiethan when it was "too darned white and everything!" To Parker and the boys on the beef hunt everything was business.

But the worst indication was them flowers she wore on her bosom every dayOld Heck bought 'em!"

The gray day wore itself away into the deeper darkness of early dusk.

And on hearing that Lulu had an errand, added still more sisterly; "Well, but mercy, what you so dressed up for?" Lulu was in a thin black and white gown which they had never seen, and wore the tilting hat with the red wing.

She wore her coral beads and her cameo cross.

Lulie wore it on the streetof course she did.

The speech of the Contarini and the manner of its reception gave pleasing assurance of the general temper of the Senate; the faces of the Doge and of his Savii recorded the sense of security with which it was needful to impress the assembly, and wore, if possible, a more dignified calm.

But Fra Paolo and his secretary wore the grave garb of their order, to the great disappointment of the younger women, who had been attracted by the expectation of some pomp.

But he wore the face of a young Greek god who had lightly dreamed that he could fashion Life out of grace and sunshine, and had waked to carve Endurance out of Agony.

The death of Ahab put an end to the fighting; nor was Jehoshaphat injured, although he wore his royal robes.

So perished the most infamous woman that ever wore a royal diadem, as had been predicted.

21295 examples of  wore  in sentences