211 examples of workin' in sentences

" "I notice you liked my pep, all righty, when I was workin' in the feed-yard office.

And there he said: "You're workin' too hard.

" "Ye kin take yer copy in cloth," said the little woman, compassionately, "sein' as ye're only workin' for yer board.

I bin workin' at these 'ere beds for months, and here they are spilt in a minit; but I tell ee

And a certain sense of humor, as Mr. Heatherbloom sat down to the oars, caused the colored man involuntarily to hum: I'se got a white man a-workin' for me.

Some are workin' their jiggers while others are yarnin', There's some standin' up

" "I wouldn't mind workin' for myself," said Jackson.

If I quit workin', I quit eatin'.

"Then you are used to agricultural labor?" "I've been workin' on a farm all summer.

He had stepchillun and sent them to school, but he kep' me workin' and plowin'." Interviewer:

A few months in the year ain't no workin'.

My mother was workin' in the field

" "I wish"Martin rolled out of bed and groped for his shoes"we'd been workin' with me old Blue Ribbon division.

And now I'm workin' for her daughter, Mrs. McEwen.

"Yes suh, I keeps workin' every day and likes to keep up my sewin'.

Leavin' yer auld man tae mak' his ain tea, and him workin' syne six o'clock o' the morn!'

Workin' for the family.

I doan 'member my mammy, but pappy was workin' on de railroad afte' freedom an' got killed.

If a man was a tanner, and especially a foreign, hand-workin' tanner, what would his markin's be? "'I tried to remember everybody that I'd ever seen handlin' a hide, and all at once I recollected that the first thing a dago shoemaker done when he picked up a piece of leather was to smooth it out with his thumbs.

A great lubber like you traipsin' around idle, and my woman bringin' a doctor's bill on me by workin' night an' day to make up your wages to meand lyin' to her husband!

Hadds was then workin' for the railroad company, but not happy.

Both me and Hadds was happy as could be, and workin' like a pair of mules.

"Hounds workin' round," declared Copple.

" Pet did so, and Uncle Ith resumed: "The old gentleman was a machinist, I s'pose, for I used to see his shadow on the wall, goin' through the motions of filin', sawin', and hammerin', though I could never guess what he was workin' on.

" Sez I, "I should think more on him, Karen, if he should go to work and take care of you instead of you at your age workin' so hard to take care of him.

211 examples of  workin'  in sentences