105 examples of working-class in sentences

"We hail our working-class comrades of every land," says the Manifesto of the Independent Labour Party.

She had doubtless resumed her usual avocations too soon after the birth of her last child, as often happens in working-class families where the mother is unable to remain idle.

Antony Thouret proposed to those who were leaders there to go in a body through the working-class neighborhoods with the decree of deposition in their hands.

I seemed to catch, in this great working-class district, a glimpse of a gleam of light which, alas, died out speedily.

No one shall sign except myself, for I have no need to seek after working-class votes.

The congregation of Saul- street chapel is almost entirely of a working-class character.

The Catholics in the district of this church are very strong; they number about 6,000; are mainly of a working-class complexion; and are conveniently and compactly located for educational and religious purposes.

The average attendance will be about 800; and nearly every one making up that number belongs to the working-class section of life.

Working-class people rest upon bare boards; middle-class individuals develop the cushion scheme to a moderate pitch; the upper species push it towards consummation-like ease, and therefore are the owners of good cushions.

It originated in the experience of its five writers at the Summer Schools for working-class students held in connection with the Workers' Educational Associations.

[Footnote 2: The contrast which has been drawn in the preceding pages, as working-class readers in particular will understand, is between the aims, not the achievements, of German and British education.

A comparison of this sum with the average working-class income of £94, brings home the extent of inequality in the distribution of the national income.

A working-class family, however comfortably it may live with a full contingent of regular workers, is almost always liable, by sickness, death, or loss of employment, to be reduced in a few weeks to a position of penury.

Taking the working-class only out of a population of 952,000 above the age of 65, no fewer than 402,000, or over 42 per cent, obtained relief in 1892.

Taking the retail prices of foods consumed by London working-class families we find that since 1880 the price of flour has fallen about 60 per cent., bread falling a little more than half that amount; the prices of beef and mutton have fallen nearly to the same extent as flour, though bacon stands in 1903 just about where it stood in 1880.

The Chartists believed their proposals would improve matters, other working-class leaders believed that a general stoppage of work would be more effective.

All who have listened to the prayers of a devout Scotch elder of the working-class must have been struck by this combination of spiritual and intellectual power; and one thing they must have specially noticed is that, unlike the elder of contemporary fiction, he expressed himself, not in broad Scotch but in correct and often stately Bible English.

Mr. Bradlaugh and Mr. Auberon Herbert, at the request of a meeting of working-class delegates, held in Hyde Park a "Demonstration in favor of Peace".

The Labour Party, on the other hand, can now draw upon an ample supply of genuine public spirit, and its difficulties in this respect will arise, not from calculated individual selfishness, but from the social and intellectual environment of working-class life.

" On February 3rd I came for the first time across a paper called Justice, in which Mr. Bradlaugh was attacked, and which gave an account of a meeting of the Democratic Federationnot yet the Social Democraticin which a man had, apparently unrebuked, said that "all means were justifiable to attain" working-class ends.

If she select a working-class neighbourhood and have a dispensary, her return will be still quicker, such places frequently paying their expenses in the first or second year.

The limitation of immigration would immediately improve working-class conditions where they are worst in America, and would check and probably reverse the tendency to diminishing returns already manifest in many directions.

Twerton, a populous working-class suburb on the W. side of Bath, with a station on the G.W.R. main line to Bristol.

I remember hearing a highly-intelligent working-class orator repeatedly pronounce the word suggest as 'sug jest'.

He was elected by a big majority in 1913, the votes of the large working-class population of the division, including Spandau (the Prussian Woolwich), being more than enough to offset the military vote which the Kaiser's henchmen mobilised against him.

105 examples of  working-class  in sentences