32 examples of worlde in sentences

Whetstone inveighs against the English dramatist who "in three howers ronnes throwe the worlde, marryes, gets children, makes Children men, men to conquer kingdomes, murder Monsters, and bringeth Gods from Heaven, and fetcheth Divels from Hel."

Lydgate's Falls of Princes is an especially great poem, A good ensample for us to dispyse This worlde, so ful of mutabilyte.

Harvey, the happy above happiest men I read**; that, sitting like a looker-on Of this worldes stage, doest note with critique pen

In whiche respecte notwithstanding, as well for the singularitie of the manner as the diuinitie of the matter, I hearde once a diuine preferre Saint Iohns Reuelation before al the veriest metaphysicall visions and iolliest conceited dreames or extasies that euer were deuised by one or other, howe admirable or super excellent soeuer they seemed otherwise to the worlde.

That thee is sent, receyve in buxumnesse, The wrastling for this worlde axeth a fal.

This city stands very commodiously: for vnto it all the nations of the whole worlde in a maner may resort for traffique.

Moreouer, that it may be manifest how peper is had, it is to be vnderstood that it groweth in a certaine kingdome whereat I my selfe arriued, being called Minibar, and it is not so plentifull in any other part of the worlde as it is there.

I answered, truely it may well be, for I thinke my selfe the worst creature in the worlde, and consider you your selues also, as I doe my selfe, and then vse your discretion.

My Lorte, if me make my contrack of marriage, if me be not as loose as de vide worlde, if me doe not alleadge Alp.

This visyon I must followe; when Charles growes thus The whole worlde shaks: thys comett's omynous.

Yes, and may teach the worlde to counterfayte.

Come, we will have thys maryage sollempnyzd, In which I meane to feighte with agonye And shoe the worlde I can cast honors of More easlye then my garments.

If thy comon sence Be not yet parted from thee, understande I doe not cursse[100] thee dyinge, because once I loved thee dearlye; & collect by that There is no devyll in me nor in hell That could have flesht me to thys violent deathe, Hadst thou beene false to all the worlde but me.

But reade it, doe, that whyle you seeme to reede You may make readye for another worlde.

Wherefore, looke you: It is my mother & my systers deade, I was theire murtherer; goe tell the worlde: That paper will give satisfactyon.

They are not farre assunder: a curst wife Is evermore mans worst aflyctyon, And shee that outgoes myne in bytternes May fryght the whole worlde.

What shape hast thou devis'd, To be my vizard to delude the worlde? Allen.

If suche may boast as by a subtile arte, Canne without labour make excessive gayne, And under name of Misterie imparte, Unto the worlde the Crafie's but of their brayne.

It was told him that he should die in the waie toward London, wherefore he feared lest the commons of the citie would arise in riotous maner and so slaie him, yet for all that he died in the waie toward London, carrieng more with him out of the worlde than he brought into it, namellie, a winding sheete, besides other necessaries thought meet for a dead man, as a Christian comelinesse required.

Of physicke speake for me, king Avicen ... Yet was his glory never set on shelfe, Nor never shall, whyles any worlde may stande Where men have minde to take good bookes in hande.

And such thynges as I somewhat longed to talke with you all, concerning the worlde to come, our Lorde put theim into your myndes, as I truste he doth and better to by hys holy spirite: who blesse you and preserue you all.

Winter wakeneth all my care Now these leavës waxeth bare, Oft I sigh and mournë sare When it cometh in my thought Of this worldes joy, how it goeth all to nought.

Every Man, the principal personage of the piece, is an allegorical representation of all mankind; and the purpose of the play is told in this sentence, which introduces it: "Here begynneth a Treatyse how the Hye Fader of Heven sendeth Dethe to somon every creature to come & gyve a count of theyr lyves in this worlde, & is in maner of a Morall Playe.

And if the seyd B were sole and I sole I would take her to be my Wife before all the Wymen of the Worlde, of what condiciones soever they be: good or evylle, as help me God ond his Seyntes, and this Flesh and all Fleshes.'

" HOW SOCRATES SUPPRESSED THE PRYDE AND HAUTINESSE OF ALCIBIADES Socrates, seeing Alcibiades puft up with pryde and broyling in ambitious behavioure (because possessor of such great wealth and lorde of so large lands) brought him to a place where a table did hang containing a discription of the worlde universall.

32 examples of  worlde  in sentences