8728 examples of worthier in sentences

As long as you think you try and they don't; as long as you think your judgment superior to theirs; your ideals loftier and worthier; your ways better; you will get from them responses of carelessness, bitterness, lack of consideration, selfishness.

The offender had justly forfeited his life; and if his death were necessary or greatly conducive to the safety of the rest, the mercy which for his sake imperilled worthier men and sacred truths would have been no less than a crime.

Now, by the head Of my own child, this Man must die; my hand, A worthier wanting, shall itself entwine In his grey hairs!

To you, Wallace and Wilfred, I commend the Lady, By lowly nature reared, as if to make her In all things worthier of that noble birth, Whose long-suspended rights are now on the eve Of restoration: with your tenderest care Watch over her, I praysustain her SEVERAL OF THE BAND (eagerly) Captain!

It is to be feared that John Appleman, like many a worthier man, preferred the various conditions appertaining to the tented field and the field of battle to that narrower scene of conflict called the home.

"O Sanpeur, love one worthier than I, And where your love will not be guerdonless!"

His next publication, The Prisoner of Chillon (1816), is a much worthier poem.

How I employed myself between Epping and Enfield the poor verses in the front of my paper may inform you which you may please to Christen an Acrostic in a Cross Road, and which I wish were worthier of the Lady they refer to.

Surely the Duchess, who is a woman of talent and an encourager of the fine arts, might have found some other object worthier of her munificence.

I dare say it is mistaken vanity to suppose that if it was emptier I should do anything worthier of record in the political, literary, or educational lineand at all events it would be hard to find a happier or, I trust, more thankful heart than mine, my troubles being in fact the result of many blessings.

And that sort of virtuosity does seem worthier of cheers than any scraping of horsehair over cat-gut could ever come to.

Now that your learned hand with labour new Of pen and ink a worthier work hath done, What erst you lacked, what still remained her own, The power of giving life, is gained for you.

A worthier occasion would not occur again; and we have every reason to believe that the superb structure, which was finally exposed to view upon the 14th of July, displayed all that was left at Florence of the grand style in the arts of modelling and painting.

You have often wished you had one, and you could surely find none worthier than Maggie Miller.

In Brittany there lived a knight, so courteous and so brave, that in all the realm there was no worthier lord than he.

In all the world there was no worthier knight, nor a more chivalrous and gallant gentleman.

In making a just estimate of this utility, if we see reason to believe that these false opinions, narrow superstitions, gross symbols, have been an impediment to the free exercise of the intelligence and a worthier culture of the emotions, then we are justified in placing the unknown loss as a real and most weighty item in the account against them.

Here an object greater and worthier of this pulpit presents itself to my mind: it is God, who makes warriors and conquerors.

Of this sort of men consist the worthier part of mankind; of these are all good fathers, generous brothers, sincere friends, and faithful subjects.

In that interval, you will have an opportunity of providing them with a teacher worthier your regard and confidence; and, if I leave you at once, you will not be put to inconvenience.

But as a rule, in most hearts, however hampered by habit and material desires, there is a deep-seated desire to be worthier and better.

In this very simple way does the value of our educated class define itself: we more than others should be able to divine the worthier and better leaders.

"This laurel leaf I cast upon thy bier; Let worthier hands than these thy wreath entwine; Upon thy hearse I shed no useless tear For us weep rather thou, in calm divine."

It will seem to the unthinking that the victorious general or the daring seaman, the leader of a forlorn hope, or the captain who goes down with his sinking ship, affords an example worthier of imitation than the patient, watchful, enthusiastic astronomer or his devoted sister.

It was better that he should know, better that he should not deem her any greater or worthier than she was.

8728 examples of  worthier  in sentences