34474 examples of wouldnt in sentences

It would be more becoming his valour, they thought, to exert itself where it would not be hidden; and they concluded with telling him of one of the noblest chances for renown that ever awaited a sword.

If the author were convinced that there was even a slight possibility of this being true, he would not raise his voice to defend the perpetrators of such a cowardly crime.

That the man would not do, and after much talk drew another circle around the cave-mouth, bade it close, and left the boy a prisoner in most evil plight.

And then he nobly took his revenge by the clever, but unprincipled way in which he caricatured the rather remarkable dancing of the young man who was the object of his hate, and whose style of movement it would not be consistent with this writer's duty to deny was amenable to severity, and must, in any society, have subjected him who indulged in it to the scorn of the flouter and the contempt of all high-minded men.

He would not surrender but assaulted Mr. Bowen, who killed him in self-defence.

"I told you you wouldnt be able to stand it, old man," said Marmaduke.

Matrimony is all very fine for women who have no better way of supporting themselves, but it wouldnt suit me.

She would not really conciliate you by marrying, for you wouldnt associate with her a bit the more because of her marriage certificate.

" "That is to say, if you were in his place, you wouldnt be in his placeamong the gum trees.

I should have to bow to them if we met; and that wouldnt do before her,"indicating Constance, who was conversing with Douglas.

By God, that child of mine wouldnt believe its eyes if it saw its mother sober.

She wouldnt learn new parts, and stuck to old ones that she could do in her sleep, she knew them so well.

I darent trust Lucy to her; and she knows it; for she wouldnt let me take the poor little creature away, although she doesnt care two straws for it.

I went to live with her because I fell in love with her, and she wouldnt marry me.

If I had married that little fool inside there, and she had taken to drink, I wouldnt have stood it a week.

She wouldnt have it, of course; but could I help that?

If I told them, Marian wouldnt believe them.

"Only that you must find out about your money, I wouldnt have let you spend all that," said Mrs. Crawford.

As she approached her room, hoping to find a good fire, she heard a flapping noise, which was suddenly interrupted by the rattle of a falling poker, followed by the exclamation, in a woman's voice, "Och, musha, I wouldnt doubt you."

I wish I had my life to live over again: you wouldnt catch me playing burlesque.

And would not that penitent child be more precious to you, though you cannot tell why, than any other of your children?

O, Im sure my darling if the boys thought of the little wife out on the road they wouldnt plague you so with the Enemy.

Dark Chloe now my homage owns, Skilled on the banjo and the bones; For whom I would not fear to die, If death would pass my charmer by.

Cecil found, however, that the possessors of large estates would not let him a farm on these conditions.

He could see, for instance, that a certain key would not fit the lock, and yet he continued to try and insert it.

34474 examples of  wouldnt  in sentences