767 examples of wrenched in sentences

I wrenched my head 'round, quickly, and saw one of those monstrous, pallid faces close to mine.

Then, taking hold with both bands, I wrenched the whole concern away, and hurled it downwith the Thing still clinging to itinto the garden.

Bill wrenched the knife from his grasp and drove it through the heart of the outlaw.

"Among all the pictures of the Madonna," she continued after a pause, "the one I like best is where Mary is sitting, holding in her hands the crown of thorns; everything else had been wrenched from her grasp, but this they had no use for.

Here, in the person of the Colonel, no soldier fore-ordained, but a serene and equable soul wrenched out of its proper sphere by a chance hurt to a woman, forsooth!

A gentle motion, but it wrenched the heart of Donnegan.

And then another man cried out, stooped, wrenched the gun from the limp hand of Donnegan and opened the cylinder.

"You say that the corner was torn off when you wrenched the handkerchief from the dead man's hold?" said Crewe.

"Then I must die," he groaned, and wrenched his hands away from that perilous boundary.

One arm was badly wrenched.

Then, too, the crash had wrenched the box structure at various seams.

He found out now that the door hinges had been knocked clear off and the frame badly wrenched in its fall.

Up with you and sit quietly beside medo you hear?" He lent her a hand that wrenched her arm brutally and wrung a cry which Victor mocked as Sofia fell upon the seat and cringed back into the corner.

The next instant, as Sofia struggled to her knees, the door behind her was wrenched open from without and, at a sign from Victor, rough hands laid hold of the girl and dragged her out bodily.

The other wrenched his horse about and went down the trail at a reckless gallop, plunging out of view around the first shoulder of a hill.

In her cabin a little later on, when she was changing her gown for dinner, and Kibble was somewhat slow and clumsy in the lacing of the bodice, she wrenched herself from the girl's hands, flung herself into a chair, and burst into a flood of passionate tears.

Maulevrier sprang across the cabin and wrenched her from her lover's grasp.

Miss Van Kamp would not for the world have it understood that this unconventional meeting, made allowable by her wrenched ankle, could possibly fulfill the functions of a formal introduction.

She wrenched herself away with an effort, only to be caught again a moment later.

575 'Say quick,' quoth he, 'I bid thee say What manner of man art thou?' Forthwith this frame of mine was wrenched With a woful agony, Which forced me to begin my tale; 580

He issued a rigorous fugitive-serf law, and even wrenched liberty from certain free peasants who had entered service for wages before his edicts.

He wrenched his eyes away from March's face.

Near by, at foot of a new storm-wall, are two similar but somewhat smaller boulders which, like their venerated and more famous neighbour, were all wrenched originally by a glacier from their home in the Comeragh Mountains twenty miles away.

It appears to have been wrenched out of the known order of human worksthe result of common motivesand however often Roc-Amadour may suddenly meet the eye upon turning the gorge, the picture never fails to be surprising.

If he knew and shared in the scheme, the secret should be wrenched from him.

767 examples of  wrenched  in sentences