11 examples of writhen in sentences

Now, bursting from the green, Beltane beheld Sir Pertolepe writhing in his bonds with Walkyn's fierce fingers twined in his red hair, and Walkyn's busy dagger at his upturned brow, where was a great, gory wound, a hideous cruciform blotch whence pulsed the blood that covered his writhen face like a scarlet vizard.

But Beltane's iron fingers were fast locked, and little by little, slow but sure, Tostig's swart head was tilting up and back, further and further, until his forked beard pointed upwardsuntil, of a sudden, there brake from his writhen lips a cry, loud and shrill that sank to groan and ended in a sounda faint sound, soft and sudden.

and Fidelis sighed in deep and troubled fashion and so fell to silence, what time Beltane, cunning in wood-lore, glancing hither and thither at knotted branch and writhen tree bole, viewing earth and heaven with a forester's quick eye, rode on into the trackless wilds of the forest-lands.

And, Winter, with thy writhen, frosty face, Smooth up thy visage, when thou look'st on her; Thou never look'st on such bright majesty.

How many decrepit, hoary, harsh, writhen, bursten-bellied, crooked, toothless, bald, blear-eyed, impotent, rotten, old men shall you see flickering still in every place?

It is easy to remark that those strained postures and writhen limbs may have perverted the taste of lesser craftsmen.

They merely fancied that dignity and beauty were to be achieved by placing figures in difficult postures, exaggerated muscular anatomy, and twisting the limbs of their models upon sections of ellipses in uncomfortable attitudes, till the whole of their work was writhen into uncouth lines.

It is easy to remark that those strained postures and writhen limbs may have perverted the taste of lesser craftsmen.

"The King of heav'n Bar'd his red arm, and launching from the sky His writhen bolt, not shaking empty smoke, Down to the deep abyss the flaming felon strook.

And I thought that you were a nice fellow, and that we were all so comfortable together!" He has drawn back a pace or two, and now stands leaning against one of the bent and writhen trunks of the old trees.

" "Ay, I fancy that Major Oakshott is a bitter Puritan in his own house; but no discipline could be too harsh for such a boy as that, according to all that I hear," said her ladyship, "nor does he look as if much were amiss with him so far as may be judged of features so strange and writhen.

11 examples of  writhen  in sentences