15679 examples of wronged in sentences

For I had not even the sense that I had been wronged to keep me up, but only a nausea and horror of movement, a giddiness and whirl of every sense.

They were totally unlike in nature, and I think that Jack felt deeply that he had been wronged by Wesley's appointment.

that ever I was born, for that I am that Winfrida who, for ambition's sake and wicked pride, did a most vile thingO my lord Beltane, as thou art strong, be pitifulas thou art deeply wronged, be greatly merciful.

I have wronged you, but" "Yes," said my father, "I shall have the money, and you too, Jason.

Woe to a soldier who wronged a civilian.

"Surely," said Benedick, "I do believe your fair cousin is wronged."

she is wronged; she is slandered; she is undone.

"Think you on your soul, that Claudio has wronged Hero?" asked Benedick.

The man had never wronged me.

And, if I haven't wronged you in any way, you should be equally manly and apologize for your treatment of me just now.

I almost hated your brother again for keeping so much from meit is so hard not to hate with a bitter hatred when we have been so wronged.

He had to flee from his father's house; never to see his mother again; to wander over the deserts to kinsmen who cheated him as he had cheated others; to serve Laban for twenty-one years; to crouch miserably in fear and trembling, as a petitioner for his life before Esau whom he had wronged, and to be made more ashamed than ever, by finding that generous Esau had forgiven and forgotten all.

The flush of rage and scorn which rises, and ought to rise in every honest heart, when we see a woman or a child ill-used, a poor man wronged or crushedWhat is that, but the inspiration of Almighty God?

After many years the man Captain Wegg had wronged, or stolen from, or something, discovered his enemy's hiding place.

"Why not?" "Because you are making the wronged party as wicked as the man who wronged him.

"Why not?" "Because you are making the wronged party as wicked as the man who wronged him.

The course of society was not to be arrested, merely because the wronged were unavenged, or the innocent suffered.

"I have told you, father," he continued, "that a false accusation of having wronged the customs brought my unhappy parent under the Senate's displeasure, and that he was many years an innocent inhabitant of one of these accursed cells, while we believed him in exile among the islands.

I tell you this, that when the Doge shall appear at yon window and make the signal of mercy, you need not be angry, and believe that your class has been wronged.

It is true that my conduct here has not been wholly straightforward; but it is Prince Frederick I have wronged and not you in any degree.

In other words, the man who had been wronged promotes the man who had wronged him, over the head of a man whom the promotee had wronged and for whom the promoter had a warm personal friendship.

In other words, the man who had been wronged promotes the man who had wronged him, over the head of a man whom the promotee had wronged and for whom the promoter had a warm personal friendship.

In other words, the man who had been wronged promotes the man who had wronged him, over the head of a man whom the promotee had wronged and for whom the promoter had a warm personal friendship.

Joy! joy to the wronged one!

And at the same time desired him to be informed, that she was told the islanders had not used them well, and if he would say in what point they had been wronged, instant satisfaction should be afforded; it was also strongly recommended by that lady to the inhabitants, to give them good treatment, and to take them over to Bergen along with themselves.

15679 examples of  wronged  in sentences