15 examples of wynter in sentences

Go, take a wyfe untoe thie armes, and see Wynter and brownie hylles wyll have a charm for thee.

Wynter wakeneth al my care, Nou this leves waxeth bare, Ofte y sike ant mourne sare, sigh; sore.

A more somber note is heard in the religious lyrics: "Wynter wakeneth al my care, Nou this leves waxeth bare;

* 1843 "In March I wrote to Dr Wynter (Vice-Chancellor) at Oxford, requesting permission to see Bradley's and Bliss's manuscript Observations, with the view of taking a copy of them.

We were much disgusted and refused to pay it, and I wrote angrily to Dr Wynter, the Vice-Chancellor.

Wordsworth, poet Wrede, Baron Wynter, Vice-Chancellor, Oxford Yolland, Col. York Cathedral Young, Dr End of the

And thei ete no mete in all the wynter: but thei lyzn as in a drem, as don the serpentes.

Wherefore we can not fynde anye of the neyghbours thereabouts wyllinge cotynnally to Inhabyte or plenyshe w'thin the saide grounde of Kydland, and especially in wynter tyme.

Wynter Blyth says that the red resin, or bixin, is soluble in 25 parts of hot alcohol.

Wynter Blyth, who gives the only analyses of annatto I have been able to find, states that the composition of a fair commercial sample (which I take to mean the raw article) examined by him was as follows: water, 24.2; resin, 28.8; ash, 22.5; and extractive, 24.5; and that of an adulterated (which I take to mean a manufactured) article, water, 13.4; resin, 11.0; ash (iron, silica, chalk, alumina, and common salt), 48.3; and extractive.

In the heat of those days there were few Tractarians who did not think Dr. Wynter, Dr. Faussett, and Dr. Symons heretics in theology and persecutors in temper, despisers of Christian devotion and self-denial.

Under the inspiration of these chiefs, the authorities had adopted, as far as they could, the policy of combat; and the Vice-Chancellor of the time, Dr. Wynter of St. John's, a kind-hearted man, but quite unfit to moderate among the strong wills and fierce tempers round him, was induced to single out for the severest blow yet struck, the most distinguished person in the ranks of the movement, Dr. Pusey himself.

Dr. Wynter's reign as Vice-Chancellor had come to a close, and the next person, according to the usual custom of succession, was Dr. Symons, Warden of Wadham.

He has, moreover, read He Went for a Soldier, the WYNTER Annual of JOHN STRANGE of that ilk.

"This was in ver quhen wynter tid.

15 examples of  wynter  in sentences