1972 examples of yankees in sentences

So goes the tale; which, if it be, as I believe, correct, ought to be known to those adventurous Yankees who have talked, more than once, of setting up a company to recover the Spanish ships and treasure sunk in Chaguaramas.

There were two Yankees and six Otaheitans on the island.

Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Jane Birch, Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 74 "I was three years old when the Yankees come through.

"One story she tole more than others was: Up at Des Arc country the Yankees come and made them give up their something-to-eat.

The Yankees jumped on the colored folks to make them tell where was their provision.

Do you want to hear how I runned away and jined the Yankees?

In October '63, I runned away and went to Pine Bluff to get to the Yankees.

Yankees got us.

The Yankees met the Southerners at Prairie Grove.

The Yankees made a commissary out of it.

Well you see both sides were firing buildingsthe Confederates to keep the Yankees from getting them, and the other way about.

The Yankees passed along in front of the Scott Bond home from Hunter, Arkansas to Madison, Arkansas.

The Yankees burnt up Mt. Vernon, Arkansas.

Yankees camped at Madison.

When my mother was last seen she was going away with a bunch of Yankees.

The Yankees camped there.

I had some good friends among the Yankees.

The Yankees what camped down there told us about the surrender.

The white folks in Texas told the Yankees what to do after the surrender; get off the land.

Questioned about the Yankees during the war she said, "I seen right smart of the Yankees.

Questioned about the Yankees during the war she said, "I seen right smart of the Yankees.

"The Yankees burnt Boss Henry's father's fine house, his gin, his grist mill, and fifty or sixty bales of cotton and took several fine horses.

How Freedom Came "According to my remembrance the Yankees come around and told the people they was free.

We called 'em Yankees.

What's more, that Lily gal of the jedge's here, she's got away aginshe turned up missin' at Cairo, tooan' she taken up with this bunch of Yankees, an' is mighty apt to git clar off.

1972 examples of  yankees  in sentences