126 examples of yas in sentences

"Tall an' slim, yas, an' with a little droop of her head.

" "Yas-suh."

"Yas, Mars Dick," responded the servant.

" "Yas, marster.

" "Have n't you always got all you wanted to eat?" "Yas, marster.

"Oh yas, marster, I 'll take keer er young Mars Dick.

" "Thanky, marster, thanky, suh," replied Grandison, oozing gratitude at every pore; "you is a good marster, to be sho', suh; yas, 'deed you is.

Have you met any of them?" "Yas, suh, I 's seen some of 'em.

Sandy's marster wuz one er dese yer easy-gwine folks w'at wanter please eve'ybody, en he says yas, he could len'

" "Yas, suh," replied Julius, with a deep sigh and a long shake of the head, "I knows he ain' much account, en dey ain' much 'pen'ence ter be put on 'i

"Ole Nick did n' said nuffin but 'Yas, suh,' but de way he kinder grin' ter hisse'f en show' his big yaller teef, en snap' de rawhide he useter kyar roun' wid 'im, made col' chills run up and down de backbone er dem niggers w'at heared Mars Jeems a-talkin'.

My head is all kin' er mix' up.' "'Yas,' sez Mars Johnson, 'I reckon I'll ha' ter gib you sump'n fer ter cl'ar yo' head.

is dat you?' "'Yas, Solomon,' sez his marster, 'dis is me, er w'at's lef er me.'

en lef on trial, w'iles you wuz gone.' "'Oh, yas,' 'lows Mars Jeems, 'tell me all 'bout dat noo nigger.

"Yas, suh," he said, interpreting my remarks as a question, "dey did.

"'Yas, honey,' 'lows Dan, 'en you gwine ter feel fus' rate

"Pete say yas, en de cunjuh man kep' on.

You 'member dat shote I was up ter yo' plantation inquirin' 'bout las' June?' "'Yas,' says Brer Pete, 'I'member yo' axin' 'bout a shote you had los'.'

"'Yas, I knows,' 'lowed Aun' Nancy, 'but dis yere is a monst'us small pickaninny.'

Will dat do?' "Aun' Peggy look' at de head-hankercher, en run her han' ober it, en sez she: "'Yas, dat'll do fus'-rate.

Ef I 'd 'a' had a son lack you, Brer Dan, I 'd 'a' be'n a proud nigger; oh, yas, I would, sho's you bawn.

wuz de matter wid 'im. "'Yas,' sez de cunjuh man.

"'Yas,' 'spon' Dan, 'so it is.'

"'Oh, yas,' 'lows Dan, 'dey does hu't pow'ful bad.'

"'Hoddy do, ma'm,' sezee; 'is yo' name Sis' Mahaly, w'at b'longs ter Mars Dugal' McAdoo?' "'Yas,' 'spon' Mahaly, 'dat's my name, en I b'longs ter Mars Dugal'.' "'Well,' sezee, 'yo' husban' Dan wuz down by my cabin dis ebenin', en he got bit by a spider er sump'n, en his foot is swoll' up

126 examples of  yas  in sentences