1078 examples of yawn in sentences

At the jewelry counter, a crystal rectangle facing broadside the main entrance and the bleached and sun-grilled street without, Miss Lola Hassiebrock, salient among many and with Olympian certainty of self, lifted two Junoesque arms like unto the handles of a vase, held them there in the kind of rigidity that accompanies a yawn, and then let them flop.

But their main employment is to wander about and yawn, or to sit down and sneer.

Will you, like the rest of this wise world, let a man's spirit rot asleep into the pit, if he will only lie quiet and not disturb your smooth respectabilities; but if he dares, in waking, to yawn in an unorthodox manner, knock him on the head at once, and "break the bruised reed," and "quench the smoking flax"?

Every smile hid a yawn of boredom, every joy a curse, all pleasure satiety, and the sweetest kisses left upon your lips only the unattainable desire for a greater delight.

" "Port-hole, not port wine," said the big fellow, with a yawn.

Two o'clock in the afternoon, three, four;why not make it fivecombine breakfast with afternoon tea,' exclaimed Lady Kirkbank, with a tremendous yawn.

Montesma gave a tremendous yawn as he took out his cigar-case, and he and Mr. Smithson did not say twenty words between them during the walk to Formosa, where servants were sitting up, lamps burning, a great silver tray, with brandy, soda, liqueurs, coffee, in readiness.

Two hours later, she began to yawn.

In the dark, Matilde heard something like a yawn, as of a person waking from sleep.

ON THE DEATH OF A CERTAIN JOURNAL {282} So die, thou child of stormy dawn, Thou winter flower, forlorn of nurse; Chilled early by the bigot's curse, The pedant's frown, the worldling's yawn.

She raised her arms quickly, as if to stifle a yawn, and sat up in the bunk, holding the blanket close about her shoulders.

But they were both too limited in their field, too much concerned with sexual relations, that most tedious of topics (in literature, not life), the very thought of which made one yawn.

He towers at the extreme right end of the fresco, indicating that the nether regions yawn infinitely deep, beyond our ken; just as the angels above Christ suggest a region of light and glory, extending upward through illimitable space.

It may perhaps be added, that although the composition of these works admits of being exalted and decorated by the higher exertions of genius; yet such is the universal charm of narrative, that the worst novel ever written will find some gentle reader content to yawn over it, rather than to open the page of the historian, moralist, or poet.

We lie to her, she lies to us, her enthusiasms make us smile behind our hands, ours make her yawn behind her notebook.

"I wish I had some good friends, to help me on in life!" cried lazy Dennis, with a yawn.

" Lady Deppingham arose reluctantly, stifling a yawn.

"Now, what's it all about, Saunders?" demanded Deppingham, with a wide yawn.

James Tapster yawned, and he put up his hand rather unwillingly to hide his yawn.

He may doubt the justice of the praise or the censure of the professional critic; but it is hard for him to resist the fact of failure, when it comes to him palpably in the satire that scowls in an ominous stare and the irony that lurks in an audible yawn,hard for him to question the reality of triumph, when teeth flash at every gleam of his wit and eyes moisten at every touch of his sentiment.

And then they sleep after lunch, and drive, and have tea, and read books about philosophy, and dine, and yawn, and finally go to bed.

" "So the pessimists tell me," the clay head assented, with a yawn.

Our Salutation at Entrance is a Yawn and a Stretch, and then without more Ceremony we take our Place at the Lolling Table; where our Discourse is, what I fear you would not read out, therefore shall not insert.

" "So would I," said Malcolm, beginning to yawn sleepily.

" Monckton now began to yawn, for he wanted to be alone and think over the schemes that floated before him now.

1078 examples of  yawn  in sentences