156 examples of yeh in sentences

I found you in one, and as yellow-fingered and as loafing as they come, a new job a week, a" "Yeh, and there was some pep to variety, too.

" "Yeh, good for what ails him.

Pay-day?" "Yeh-while it lasts.

The haughty Viceroy Yeh put them all to death, provoking reprisals on the part of the British, resulting in the occupation of Canton and the capture of Peking after three campaigns to the north.

"Oh, yeh," said the boy, disinterestedly.

"Double-cross me, will yeh?"

"Come out and own up and I'll let yeh off.

"Never mind, I'll get yeh!"

If yeh make the plantations yeh'll have to keep eastard and then up the Atchafalaya and buck the main flood water, Tedge!"

I'll show yeh 'em dead and dried on the sands like dead men's dried bones!

"I'll show yeh, Rogers!

I'll show yeh 'emdead, dried white like men's bones."

Five hundred fer yeh, Crumpa hundred fer the nigger, or I knock his head in.

It's a place fer itand yeh say yeh carry seven hundred on them cows?

It's a place fer itand yeh say yeh carry seven hundred on them cows?

"Yeh, go down, Crump, and lay yer waste and oil right.

I trust yeh, Crumpthe nigger'll get his, too.

Yeh go lower away on the skiff davits.

Yeh don't ask me nothin'yeh don't know nothin'!" "Sho', boss!

The skiff was a hundred yards out on the glassy sea when Crump spoke cunningly, "I knowed something" "Yeh?"

"Yeh knowed" "This Rogers, he was tryin' to get off the burnin' wreck and he fell, somehow or" "The oil tank blew, and a piece o' pipe took him," grunted Tedge.

"Yeh!" roared Tedge.

Yeh try to cross the pass, and the lilies 'll have us all to sea in this crazy skiff when the wind lifts wi' the sun.

"Yeh can wait fer day and tide on the sand, boss.

They even went so far as to throw petitions in hundreds over the walls of his yamênpetitions all reminding him of the fate of Yeh Ming Shen, the Governor-General of Canton in 1858, whom the British seized and sent to Calcutta, where he died.

156 examples of  yeh  in sentences